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Scalable synthesis of silicon nanosheets from sand as an anode for Li-ion batteries


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The silicon nanostructure is a promising candidate for an anode of Li-ion batteries due to its high theoretical capacity. In this work, we have demonstrated the scalable synthesis of Si nanosheets from natural sand by magnesiothermic reduction, and suggested a new formation mechanism for Si nanosheets. In the suggested mechanism, an Mg2Si intermediate phase was formed at an early stage of the reduction process, which leads to the two-dimensional Si nanostructure. The synthesized Si nanosheets have a leaf-like sheet morphology ranging from several ten to several hundred nanometers, and show comparable electrochemical properties to the commercial Si nanopowder as an anode for lithium ion batteries. For the improved electrochemical performance. Si nanosheets are encapsulated with reduced graphene oxide (RGO), and the RGO-encapsulated Si nanosheet electrode exhibits high-reversible capacity and excellent rate capability.
机译:硅纳米结构是一种很有前途的候选人锂离子电池的阳极由于其高理论容量。证明了可伸缩的Si的合成由magnesiothermic nanosheets从天然砂减少,并建议一个新的形成如果nanosheets的机制。Mg2Si中间相形成机制在还原过程的早期阶段,导致二维硅纳米结构。合成硅nanosheets叶表形态从几个10几百纳米,并显示具有可比性商业Si的电化学性能摘要作为锂离子电池的阳极。改进的电化学性能。nanosheets封装与降低石墨烯氧化(RGO)和RGO-encapsulated Sinanosheet电极展品high-reversible能力和优秀的能力。



  • 外文文献
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  • 专利
  • 1. Li-ion battery anode [P] . 外国专利: JP6010611B2 . 2016-10-19

    机译:l i-ion battery anode

  • 2. Li-ion battery anode [P] . 外国专利: JP2014519159A . 2014-08-07

    机译:l i-ion battery anode



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