首页> 外文期刊>Historical Biology: an international journal of paleobiology >The Oxford Dodo. Part 1: the museum history of the Tradescant Dodo: ownership, displays and audience

The Oxford Dodo. Part 1: the museum history of the Tradescant Dodo: ownership, displays and audience


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The Dodo Raphus cucullatus, a giant flightless pigeon endemic to Mauritius, became extinct in the late seventeenth century, and so rapid was the birds' disappearance, that by the beginning of the nineteenth century even its very existence was questioned. Only four specimens were then recorded in European museums, of which the most famous was the Tradescant or Oxford Dodo, now in the Oxford University Museum of Natural History. It comprised the head and one foot, and unique soft tissue in the form of skin and traces of feathers. The history of this specimen is reviewed, including the still unresolved question of how it came to Britain, and we provide evidence to show that it was stuffed but probably never mounted. The changes of ownership, and its cataloguing and curation in the different museums are also described, along with its varying roles in entertainment, education and research from the earliest years until the nineteenth century. This is part one of a two-part article; the second deals with the Tradescant Dodo from its dissection in the 1840s until the present day.
机译:渡渡鸟Raphus cucullatus,一个巨大的不会飞的毛里求斯特有的鸽子,灭绝17世纪晚期,如此之快鸟的消失,开始19世纪甚至它的存在被质疑。记录在欧洲博物馆,其中最多著名的或牛津渡渡鸟中的奇珍异宝,现在牛津大学自然历史博物馆。它由头部和一只脚,独一无二的皮肤软组织的形式和的痕迹羽毛。审查,包括仍然悬而未决的问题它是如何来到英国,我们提供的证据表明,但可能标本从来没有安装。编目和管理不同的博物馆也描述,连同其不同的角色吗在娱乐、教育和研究的直到19世纪初期。是分两部分的文章的第一部分;处理的渡渡鸟中的奇珍异宝解剖在1840年代直到现在。



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