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The role of distance in pen-urban national park use: Who visits them and how far do they travel?


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There is a sizable literature about the factors shaping park visitation and use especially for urban parks, including (i) geographic (e.g. proximity), (ii) socio-cultural (e.g. population characteristics) and to a lesser extent, (iii) individual psychometric factors (e.g. attitudes and values). Yet comparatively little is known about how factors related to distance may affect pen-urban national park use, particularly outside the United States. This paper reports on research investigating distance-related factors affecting use of a peri-urban national park in Brisbane, Australia. This study found that older visitors live closer to the park while younger visitors travel further to use it. Surprisingly, travel distance did not vary with the type of recreational activities that users were conducting in the park. These results have implications for park planning and management including user demand for different recreational activities in pen-urban national parks. Results are useful for scholars using distance decay models to explain travel behaviour, evidencing the empirical veracity of the model in different places and across different service types. The findings are especially important for geographers because they demonstrate that assumptions about uniform park catchments may be unsupported and need to be empirically validated. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:关于影响公园参观和使用的因素的文献很多,尤其是对于城市公园而言,包括(i)地理(例如邻近),(ii)社会文化(例如人口特征)和较小程度的(iii)个人心理测度。因素(例如态度和价值观)。但是,与距离相关的因素如何影响郊区城市国家公园的使用,尤其是在美国以外,人们所知甚少。本文报道了有关影响澳大利亚布里斯班市郊国家公园使用距离的因素的研究报告。这项研究发现,年长的游客居住在公园附近,而年轻的游客则在使用公园。令人惊讶的是,出行距离并没有随着用户在公园中进行的娱乐活动的类型而变化。这些结果对公园的规划和管理具有影响,包括用户对城市郊区国家公园中各种娱乐活动的需求。对于使用距离衰减模型来解释旅行行为的学者而言,结果是有用的,它证明了该模型在不同地方和不同服务类型上的经验准确性。该发现对于地理学家尤其重要,因为他们证明了关于统一公园集水量的假设可能不受支持,需要进行经验验证。 (C)2015 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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