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The spatial extent and coverage of tornado sirens in San Marcos, Texas


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The tornado siren has become the standard method of notifying resident populations of dangerous weather conditions. In March, 2012, the city of San Marcos, Texas purchased 14 Tempest-121 rotating sirens creating a coverage network. Because San Marcos has experienced two tornadoes during the previous twelve years, two research questions were constructed, 1) what is the spatial coverage of the tornado siren network in San Marcos, and 2) what is the approximate number of residents located outside the siren's network coverage area? The hypothesis stated that the siren network left more than 10 percent of the population outside the coverage area.
机译:龙卷风警报器已经成为通知居民危险天气状况的标准方法。 2012年3月,得克萨斯州圣马科斯市购买了14台Tempest-121旋转警报器,从而建立了覆盖网络。由于圣马科斯在过去的十二年中经历过两次龙卷风,因此提出了两个研究问题:1)圣马科斯的龙卷风警报器网络的空间覆盖范围是什么,以及2)位于警报器网络之外的居民的大概人数是多少覆盖区域?假设表明,警笛网络使超过10%的人口离开了覆盖区域。



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