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Self-aligned placement and detection of quantum dots on the tips of individual conical plasmonic nanostructures


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Hybrid structures of few or single quantum dots (QDs) coupled to single optical antennas are of prime interest for nano-optical research. The photoluminescence (PL) signal from single nanoemitters, such as QDs, can be enhanced, and their emission characteristics modified, by coupling them to plasmonic nanostructures. Here, a self-aligned technique for placing nanoscale QDs with about 10 nm lateral accuracy and well-defined molecular distances to the tips of individual nanocones is reported. This way the QDs are positioned exactly in the high near-field region that can be created near the cone apex. The cones are excited in the focus of a radially polarized laser beam and the PL signal of few or single QDs on the cone tips is spectrally detected.
机译:混合结构或单个量子点(量子点)耦合的单一光学天线' nano-optical研究兴趣。光致发光(PL)信号从单身量子点nanoemitters,比如,可以增强,他们的排放特性修改,耦合电浆纳米结构。将纳米级的自对准技术量子点与大约10 nm横向精度和定义良好的分子距离的技巧个人nanocones报道。量子点在高近场定位准确锥顶端附近的区域,可以创建。视锥细胞兴奋在一个径向的焦点偏振激光的PL信号或很少量子点单锥上的提示是幽灵似地检测到。




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