首页> 外文期刊>Applied Geochemistry: Journal of the International Association of Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry >Groundwater chemistry of Al under Dutch sandy soils: Effects of land use and depth

Groundwater chemistry of Al under Dutch sandy soils: Effects of land use and depth


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Aluminium has received great attention in the second half of the 20th century, mainly in the context of the acid rain problem mostly in forest soils. In this research the effect of land use and depth of the groundwater on Al, pH and DOC concentration in groundwater under Dutch sandy soils has been studied. Both pH and DOC concentration play a major role in the speciation of Al in solution. Furthermore, the equilibrium with mineral phases like gibbsite, amorphous Al(OH)3 and imogolite, has been considered. Agricultural and natural land use were expected to have different effects on the pH and DOC concentration, which in turn could influence the total Al concentration and the speciation of Al in groundwater at different depths (phreatic, shallow and deep). An extensive dataset (n = 2181) from the national and some provincial monitoring networks on soil and groundwater quality was used. Land use type and groundwater depth did influence the pH, and Al and DOC concentrations in groundwater samples. The Al concentration ranged from <0.4 μmol L~(-1) at pH > 7 to 1941 μmol L~(-1) at pH < 4; highest Al concentrations were found for natural-phreatic groundwater. The DOC concentration decreased and the median pH increased with depth of the groundwater. Natural-phreatic groundwater showed lower pH than the agricultural-phreatic groundwater. Highest DOC concentrations were found for the agricultural-phreatic groundwater, induced by the application of organic fertilizers. Besides inorganic complexation, the NICA-Donnan model was used to calculate Al3+ concentrations for complexation with DOC. Below pH 4.5 groundwater samples were mainly in disequilibrium with a mineral phase. This disequilibrium is considered to be the result of kinetic constraints or equilibrium with organic matter. Log K values were derived by linear regression and were close to theoretical values for Al(OH)3 minerals (e.g. gibbsite or amorphous Al(OH)3), except for natural-phreatic groundwater for which lower log K values were found. Complexation of Al with DOC is shown to be an important factor for the Al concentrations, especially at high DOC concentrations as was found for agricultural-phreatic groundwater.
机译:铝在20世纪下半叶受到了极大的关注,主要是在酸雨问题的背景下,主要是在森林土壤中。在这项研究中,研究了荷兰沙质土壤下土地利用和地下水深度对地下水中Al,pH和DOC浓度的影响。 pH和DOC浓度在溶液中Al的形态形成中都起着重要作用。此外,已经考虑了与矿物相如三水铝石,无定形Al(OH)3和伊莫石的平衡。预计农业和自然土地使用会对pH和DOC浓度产生不同的影响,进而影响总Al浓度和不同深度(潜水,浅水和深水)的地下水中Al的形态。使用了来自国家和一些省级土壤和地下水质量监测网络的广泛数据集(n = 2181)。土地利用类型和地下水深度确实会影响地下水样品中的pH值以及Al和DOC浓度。 pH> 7时Al的浓度范围从<0.4μmolL〜(-1)到pH <4时的Al浓度为1941μmolL〜(-1);天然潜水地下水的铝含量最高。随着地下水深度的增加,DOC浓度降低,pH中值升高。天然潜水地下水的pH值低于农业潜水地下水的pH。通过使用有机肥料,发现了农业潜水地下水的最高DOC浓度。除无机络合外,还使用NICA-Donnan模型计算与DOC络合的Al3 +浓度。 pH值低于4.5时,地下水样品主要处于矿物质相的不平衡状态。这种不平衡被认为是动力学约束或与有机物平衡的结果。 Log K值是通过线性回归得出的,并且与Al(OH)3矿物(例如菱铁矿或无定形Al(OH)3)的理论值相近,但天然潜水地下水的log K值较低。已表明,Al与DOC的络合是影响Al浓度的重要因素,尤其是在高DOC浓度下(如农业潜水地下水中发现的)。



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