首页> 外文期刊>Applied Geochemistry: Journal of the International Association of Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry >Diel variations in stream chemistry and isotopic composition of dissolved inorganic carbon, upper Clark Fork River, Montana, USA

Diel variations in stream chemistry and isotopic composition of dissolved inorganic carbon, upper Clark Fork River, Montana, USA


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Many rivers undergo diel (24-h) concentration fluctuations of pH, dissolved gases, trace metals, nutrients, and other chemical species. A study conducted in 1994 documented such behavior in the upper Clark Fork River, Montana, a stream whose headwaters have been severely impacted by historic metal mining, milling, and smelting. The purpose of the present investigation was to expand on these earlier findings by conducting simultaneous diel samplings at two sites on the upper Clark Fork River separated by 2.5 h of stream travel time. By monitoring two stations, it was possible to more closely examine the processes that control temporal and spatial gradients in stream chemistry. Another objective was to examine diel changes in the δ13C composition of dissolved inorganic C (DIC) and their relationship to biological activity in the stream. The most important findings of this study include: (1) concentrations of dissolved and particulate heavy metals increased during the night and decreased during the day, in agreement with previous work; (2) these changes were positively correlated to diel changes in pH, dissolved O2, and water temperature; (3) dissolved concentrations increased during the night at the lower site, but showed the opposite behavior at the upper site; and (4) diel changes in δ13C-DIC were noted at both sites, although the timing and magnitudes of the cycles differed. Hypotheses to explain the first two observations include: cyclic co-precipitation of divalent metals with carbonate minerals; pH- and temperature-dependent sorption of metal cations onto the streambed and suspended particles; or photosynthetically enhanced oxidation and removal of Fe and Mn oxides at biofilm surfaces during the daytime. The latter model explains the majority of the field observations, including night-time increases in particulate forms of Fe and other elements.
机译:许多河流的pH,溶解气体,微量金属,养分和其他化学物质的浓度都在diel(24-h)内波动。 1994年进行的一项研究记录了蒙大纳州克拉克福克河上游的这种行为,该河的上游源头受到历史性金属开采,研磨和冶炼的严重影响。本研究的目的是通过在克拉克福克河上游的两个站点同时进行溪di取样,相隔2.5小时的溪流传播时间,来扩展这些较早的发现。通过监视两个站,可以更仔细地检查控制流化学中时间和空间梯度的过程。另一个目的是研究溶解的无机C(DIC)的δ13C组成的diel变化及其与物流中生物活性的关系。这项研究最重要的发现包括:(1)溶解的和颗粒状的重金属浓度在夜间增加,在白天减少,与以前的工作一致; (2)这些变化与pH,溶解氧和水温的diel变化呈正相关; (3)夜间在下部位置的溶解浓度增加,但在上部位置显示相反的行为; (4)在两个位置都注意到δ13C-DIC的diel变化,尽管周期的时间和大小不同。解释前两个观察结果的假设包括:二价金属与碳酸盐矿物的循环共沉淀; pH和温度相关的金属阳离子在流化和悬浮颗粒上的吸附;或在白天通过光合作用增强生物膜表面的铁和锰氧化物的氧化和去除。后一种模型解释了大多数现场观察结果,包括夜间铁和其他元素颗粒形式的增加。



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