首页> 外文期刊>Applied Geochemistry: Journal of the International Association of Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry >Isotopic and textural discrimination between hypogene, ancient supergene, and modern sulfates at the Questa mine, New Mexico

Isotopic and textural discrimination between hypogene, ancient supergene, and modern sulfates at the Questa mine, New Mexico


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Chemical and mineralogical changes due to pyrite weathering are of interest with respect to understanding long-term physical stability of mine rock piles at the Questa mine, New Mexico. The ability to discriminate between ancient and modern processes is important for establishing the extent of modern weathering within the piles. Initial inventories of sulfur minerals and representative isotope compositions in rocks from orebodies, the hydrothermal alteration zones associated with orebodies, hydrothermal alteration scars, and mine rock piles were determined. Ore body sulfides have delta S-34(CDT) of 0 +/- 47 parts per thousand, typical for sulfides formed by magmatic processes in stockwork Mo systems. Pyrite from alteration scars has a wide range of delta S-34 values from 0.0 parts per thousand to -13.6 parts per thousand. Sulfate from the ore body has markedly positive delta S-34 (5-10 parts per thousand) accompanied by positive delta O-18(SO4) values (6-15 parts per thousand) reflecting equilibrium formation from magmatic fluids. Sulfates from alteration scars have delta S-34 values over a broad range, similar to alteration scar pyrites, from -10.6 parts per thousand to 0 parts per thousand and delta O-18(SO4) of 0 +/- 3 parts per thousand. Sulfates with fine grained, delicate, and euhedral mineral habits suggesting recent formation within the mine rock piles, have delta S-34 values similar to orebody pyrite and alteration scars but more negative delta O-18(SO4) values (-3 parts per thousand to -10 parts per thousand). Sulfates from all three sources occur in these piles, and their stable isotope values have proven useful in differentiating them and their environments of formation (i.e., hypogene, ancient supergene, and recent weathering). Correlating the isotopic compositions with textures allows petrographic assessment for the origins of sulfate minerals in the rock piles, but this must be applied with caution because some sulfate mineral recycling has occurred. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:黄铁矿风化引起的化学和矿物学变化对于了解新墨西哥州Questa矿的矿山岩石桩的长期物理稳定性非常重要。区分古代和现代过程的能力对于确定桩内现代风化的程度很重要。确定了矿体岩石中的硫矿物和代表性同位素组成的初始清单,与矿体有关的热液蚀变带,热液蚀变疤痕和矿山岩石桩。矿体硫化物的S-34(CDT)δ为千分之0 +/- 47,这是典型的Mo系由岩浆作用形成的硫化物。蚀变疤痕产生的硫铁矿的δS-34值范围很广,从千分之0.0到千分之-13.6。矿体中的硫酸盐具有明显的正三角洲S-34(千分之5-10),同时具有正三角洲O-18(SO4)值(千分之六至十五),反映了岩浆流体形成的平衡。与蚀变黄铁矿相似,蚀变疤痕中的硫酸盐在较宽的范围内具有δS-34值,从-10.6千分之千到0千分之十,δO-18(SO4)则为0 +/- 3千分之一。硫酸盐具有细粒度,细腻和轻快的矿物习性,表明近期在矿山岩石堆中形成,具有类似于矿体黄铁矿和蚀变疤痕的δS-34值,但δO-18(SO4)值更负(每千份中有-3份)到千分之十)。来自这三种来源的硫酸盐都出现在这些堆中,并且已证明其稳定的同位素值有助于区分它们和它们的形成环境(即,次基因,古老的超基因和近期的风化)。将同位素组成与质地相关联,可以对岩堆中硫酸盐矿物的来源进行岩石学评估,但是必须谨慎使用,因为已经发生了一些硫酸盐矿物的再循环。 (C)2007 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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