首页> 外文期刊>Applied Geochemistry: Journal of the International Association of Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry >Similarity between C, N and S stable isotope profiles in European spruce forest soils: implications for the use of delta S-34 as a tracer

Similarity between C, N and S stable isotope profiles in European spruce forest soils: implications for the use of delta S-34 as a tracer


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Stable isotope systematics of C, N and S were studied in soils of 5 European forest ecosystems. The sites were located along a North-South transect from Sweden to Italy (mean annual temperatures from + 1.0 to + 8.5 degreesC, atmospheric deposition from 2 to 19 kg N ha(-1) a(-1), and from 6 to 42 kg S ha(-1) a(-1)). In Picea stands, the behavior of C, N and S isotopes was similar in 3 aspects: (1) assimilation favored the lighter isotopes C-12, N-14 and S-32; (2) mineralization in the soil profile left in situ residues enriched in the heavier isotopes C-13, N-15 and S-34; and (3) NO3-N as well as SO4-S in soil solution was isotopically lighter compared to the same species in the atmospheric input. In this study, emphasis was placed on S isotope profiles which so far have been investigated to a much lesser extent than those of C and N. Sulfate in monthly samples of atmospheric input had systematically higher delta(34)S ratios than total soil S at the 0-5 cm depth, on average by 4.0%.. Sulfate in the atmospheric input had higher delta(34)S ratios than in deep (> 50 cm) lysimeter water, on average by 3.2parts per thousand. Organic S constituted more than 50% of total soil S throughout most of the profiles (0-20 cm below surface). There was a tendency to isotopically heavier organic S and lighter inorganic SO4-S, with ester SO4-S heavier than C-bonded S at 3 of the 5 sites. With an increasing depth (0 to 20 cm below surface), delta(13)C, delta(15)N and delta(14)S ratios of bulk soil increased on average by 0.9, 4.2 and 1.6parts per thousand, respectively, reflecting an increasing degree of mineralization of organic matter. The isotope effects of C, N and S mineralization were robust enough to exist at a variety of climate conditions and pollution levels. In the case of S, the difference between isotope composition of the upper organic-rich soil horizon (lower delta(34)S) and the deeper sesquioxide-rich soil horizons (higher delta(34)S) can be used to determine the source of SO4 in streams draining forests. This application of delta(34)S as a tracer of S origin was developed in the Jezeri catchment, Czech Republic, a highly polluted site suffering from spruce die-back. In 1996-1997, the magnitude and delta(34)S of atmospheric input (20 kg S ha(-1) a(-1), 5.8parts per thousand) and stream discharge (56 kg S ha(-1) a(-1), 3.5parts per thousand.) was monitored. Export of S from the catchment was 3 times higher than contemporary atmospheric input. More than 50% of S in the discharge was represented by release of previously stored pollutant S from the soil. Stable isotope systematics of Jezeri soil S (mean of 2.5parts per thousand in the O + A horizon, 4.8parts per thousand in the B horizon, and 5.8parts per thousand in the bedrock) suggests that most of the soil-derived S in discharge must come from the isotopically light organic S present in the upper soil horizon, and that mineralized organically-cycled S is mainly flushed out during the spring snowmelt. The fact that a considerable proportion of incoming S is organically cycled should be. considered when predicting the time-scale of acidification reversal in spruce die-back affected areas. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. [References: 68]
机译:在5个欧洲森林生态系统的土壤中研究了C,N和S的稳定同位素系统。这些地点位于从瑞典到意大利的南北横断面(年平均温度从+ 1.0到+ 8.5℃,大气沉积从2到19 kg N ha(-1)a(-1),从6到42 kg kg S ha(-1)a(-1))。在Picea林分中,C,N和S同位素的行为在3个方面相似:(1)同化倾向于较轻的同位素C-12,N-14和S-32; (2)在土壤剖面中的矿化作用,使残留在原地的残留物富集于较重的同位素C-13,N-15和S-34; (3)与大气输入中的相同物种相比,土壤溶液中的NO3-N和SO4-S同位素更轻。在这项研究中,重点放在了S同位素分布图上,迄今为止,对S同位素分布图的研究程度远小于C和N。在大气输入量的月度样品中,硫酸盐在2007年的土壤δ(34)S比值比总土壤S的值更高。在0-5厘米深度处,平均下降4.0%。大气输入物中的硫酸盐比深(> 50厘米)溶渗水中的delta(34)S比高,平均每千分之3.2。在大部分剖面(地表以下0-20厘米)中,有机物S占土壤总S的50%以上。在5个位置中的3个位置,同位素S4-S比C键合S重,存在同位素重有机S和无机SO4-S轻的趋势。随着深度的增加(地表以下0至20 cm),散装土壤的delta(13)C,delta(15)N和delta(14)S比分别平均增加千分之0.9、4.2和1.6。有机物矿化程度的提高。 C,N和S矿化的同位素效应足够强大,足以存在于各种气候条件和污染水平下。在S的情况下,可以使用富含有机物的上部土壤层(较低的delta(34)S)和富含三氧化二砷的较深土壤层(较高的delta(34)S)的同位素组成来确定来源流中的SO4排放量。 δ(34)S作为S来源示踪剂的这种应用是在捷克共和国的Jezeri流域开发的,这是一个污染严重的地区,遭受云杉枯萎。在1996-1997年间,大气输入量(20 kg S ha(-1)a(-1),5.8份/千)和水流排放量(56 kg S ha(-1)a( -1),每千分之3.5。流域的S出口量是当代大气输入量的3倍。排放物中超过50%的S以土壤中先前存储的污染物S的释放为代表。 Jezeri土壤S的稳定同位素系统(在O + A层中平均为2.5份,在B层中平均为千分之4.8,在基岩中平均为千分之5.8)表明,大多数土壤中的S排放必须从土壤上部地层中存在的同位素轻有机S中提取,矿化的有机循环S主要在春季融雪期间被冲出。相当一部分进入的S是有机循环的事实。在预测云杉枯萎病灾区酸化逆转的时间尺度时要考虑到这一点。 (C)2002 Elsevier ScienceLtd。保留所有权利。 [参考:68]



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