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Scale dependent effects in resource selection by crop-raiding Japanese macaques in Niigata Prefecture, Japan.


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A resource selection function is one that yields values proportional to the probability of use of a resource unit. This quantity is influenced by the heterogeneity of landscape structures, which occurs over multiple spatial scales. To provide input into wildlife management strategies, we investigated the scale dependency and functional responses of Japanese macaques using multiple scale analysis. The multiple buffers with radii of 100, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, and 2500 m were defined as the spatial scale. Crop damage was predicted at the within-home range scale, using the Random Forests algorithm with environmental variables linked to resource selection of Japanese macaques. Sixteen environmental variables were defined, covering aspects of landscape configuration, human disturbance, topography, and adopted countermeasures. Crop damage was most accurately predicted within a buffer zone of 1000 m, although radii exceeding 1000 m were also highly accurate. Although the importance of variables differed among spatial extents, the functional responses for each environmental variable were independent of spatial extent. These results suggest that the limiting factors of crop damage depend on spatial extent, while functional responses in resource selection remain constant across spatial extents. We also compared a multi-scale gradient map with a typical binary map to demonstrate the uncertainty in damage predictions at different spatial scales. Our results may aid wildlife management planning, for which differences in resource selection across different spatial scales are critically important.
机译:资源选择函数是一种产生与资源单元使用概率成比例的值的函数。该数量受景观结构异质性影响,异质性发生在多个空间尺度上。为了提供野生动物管理策略的投入,我们使用多尺度分析研究了日本猕猴的尺度依赖性和功能响应。半径为100、500、1000、1500、2000和2500 m的多个缓冲区被定义为空间尺度。使用随机森林算法将环境变量与日本猕猴的资源选择相关联,从而在家庭范围内预测作物的损失。定义了16个环境变量,涵盖景观配置,人为干扰,地形和采取的对策等方面。尽管半径超过1000 m也非常准确,但在1000 m的缓冲区内可以最准确地预测作物受损。尽管变量的重要性在空间范围内有所不同,但每个环境变量的功能响应均与空间范围无关。这些结果表明,作物损害的限制因素取决于空间范围,而资源选择中的功能响应在空间范围内保持恒定。我们还比较了多尺度梯度图和典型的二元图,以证明在不同空间尺度下损伤预测的不确定性。我们的研究结果可能有助于野生动植物管理规划,对于这些规划而言,不同空间尺度上资源选择的差异至关重要。



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