
Geochemistry and mineralogy of saprolite in Finnish Lapland


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An ancient saprolite has developed on the Palaeoproterozoic granulite. granite gneiss and amphibolite bedrock of the Vuotso-Tankavaara area of central Finnish Lapland. The present day climatic regime in Finnish Lapland lies within the northern boreal zone and so the saprolite there can be regarded as fossil. Cores of saprolite were collected from 4 sections (42 samples) and analyzed chemically and mineralogically. In the study area. progressive weathering of the rocks has been marked by gradual enrichment in Al, Fe and Ti; and depletion of Na, K and Ca. The higher concentration of Fe(III) and water and reduced Na and Ca in weathered bedrock in the 4 sections are indicative of oxidation, hydration and leaching processes involved during weathering. The primary minerals in the saprolite are plagioclase feldspar, K-feldspar. quartz. garnet (almandine) and hornblende, the common secondary minerals are kaolinite, halloysite, and vermiculite in addition to minor amounts of sericite. Intense weathering is indicated by: (1) the presence of kaolinite and halloysite in 4 sections of different bedrock types. and (2) the comparatively lower SiO2/ Al2O3 (wt.%) ratio (2.30) of weathered granulites Q sections) as compared to fresh granulite (4,33) and that of weathered amphibolite (2.68) as compared to fresh amphibolite (3.56). In general, kaolinite and halloysite have formed through the weathering of feldspars, garnet, and biotite. Vermiculite is the most probable alteration product of biotite. The formation of kaolinite and halloysite in Finnish Lapland indicates wetter and warmer climatic conditions during the time of their formation than at present. The possible time for formation of the saprolite is early Cretaceous-early Tertiary into Middle Miocene. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. [References: 92]
机译:在古元古代花岗石上发育了一种古老的腐泥土。芬兰拉普兰中部Vuotso-Tankavaara地区的花岗岩片麻岩和角闪石基岩。如今,芬兰拉普兰的气候状况位于北部寒带地区,因此那里的腐泥土可以被视为化石。从4个切片(42个样品)中收集腐泥土的芯,并进行化学和矿物学分析。在学习区。岩石的逐渐风化以铝,铁和钛的逐渐富集为特征。和钠,钾和钙的消耗。在这四个部分中,风化基岩中较高的Fe(III)和水浓度以及Na和Ca含量降低表明风化过程中涉及的氧化,水合作用和浸出过程。腐泥土中的主要矿物是斜长石,钾长石。石英。石榴石(金刚烷)和角闪石,除了少量的绢云母外,常见的次要矿物是高岭石,埃洛石和ver石。强烈的风化表现为:(1)不同基岩类型的4个部分中存在高岭石和埃洛石。 (2)风化花岗石Q型段的SiO2 / Al2O3(wt。%)比(2.30)与新鲜花岗石(4,33)和风化角铁矿(2.68)相比,与新鲜花岗石(3.56)相对较低)。通常,长石,石榴石和黑云母的风化形成了高岭石和埃洛石。石是黑云母最可能的蚀变产物。芬兰拉普兰地区的高岭石和埃洛石的形成表明,在形成期间,气候条件比现在湿润和温暖。形成腐泥土的可能时间是在早白垩纪至第三纪早期进入中新世中期。 (C)2002 Elsevier ScienceLtd。保留所有权利。 [参考:92]



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