首页> 外文期刊>Applied Geochemistry: Journal of the International Association of Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry >Changes in isotope ratio and content of dissolved helium through groundwater evolution

Changes in isotope ratio and content of dissolved helium through groundwater evolution


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The dissolved He content and He isotope ratio are proxy indicators of groundwater evolution in the Shimokita peninsula. The record of H-3 and excess bomb tritiogenic He-3 reveals the intrusion depth of shallow and young groundwater into deep groundwater. The record of tritiogenic 3 He suggests that prior to the period of nuclear testing, the natural production level of H-3 irradiated by cosmic rays was probably 6 TU. Helium isotope ratios in the groundwater converge to that of the regional crustal He with increasing depth and dissolved He content. The regional degassed He has a He-3/He-4 (R) ratio of 7.24 x 10(-7) which consists of 6% mantle He (with R = 1. 1 x 10(-5)) and 94% radiogenic He (with R = 1 x 10(-8)). The magnitude of degassing He flux is 5 x 10(-9) m(3)/m(2) a. Based on the accumulation of He, and taking into consideration the degassing He flux, groundwater at depths greater than 300 m below sea level is estimated to be stagnant, exhibiting residence times in excess of 10(2) Ka. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. [References: 40]
机译:溶解的He含量和He同位素比是Shimokita半岛地下水演化的指标。 H-3和超生炸弹产生的He-3的记录揭示了浅层和年轻地下水对深层地下水的侵入深度。 ti源3 He的记录表明,在进行核试验之前,宇宙射线辐照的H-3的自然产生水平约为6 TU。随着深度的增加和溶解的He含量的增加,地下水中的氦同位素比率收敛到区域地壳He的同位素比率。局部脱气的He的He-3 / He-4(R)比率为7.24 x 10(-7),其中包括6%的幔He(R =1。1x 10(-5))和94%的放射源He(R = 1 x 10(-8))。脱He气的量为5 x 10(-9)m(3)/ m(2)a。根据He的积累,并考虑到He的脱气通量,估计海平面以下大于300 m的深度处于停滞状态,停留时间超过10(2)Ka。 (C)2002 Elsevier ScienceLtd。保留所有权利。 [参考:40]



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