首页> 外文期刊>Applied Geochemistry: Journal of the International Association of Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry >Dynamic changes in hydrogeochemical conditions caused by tunnel excavation at the Aspo Hard Rock Laboratory (HRL), Sweden

Dynamic changes in hydrogeochemical conditions caused by tunnel excavation at the Aspo Hard Rock Laboratory (HRL), Sweden


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Hydraulic changes caused by tunneling at the Aspo Hard Rock Laboratory (HRL) in Sweden have been investigated over a period of 2a using different hydrochemical approaches, i.e. noble gas content, isotopic measurements and major ion concentrations. The dissolved noble gases (He-4 and Ne contents, and the ratio of He-3/He-4, Ar-40/Ar-36), Stable isotopes, chemical concentrations of major ions, and Cl-36/Cl ratios, were determined in groundwater samples collected in the tunnel from borehole sections isolated by inflated packers. Groundwater was categorized into 3 groups based on He-4 and Cl- contents: undisturbed groundwater (i.e. prior to tunnel construction) with high He-4 and Cl- contents, groundwater that has been gradually changed by mixing with Baltic seawater and whose He-4 and Cl- contents have gradually increased with increasing depth, and groundwater that has been totally changed due to a rapid mixing of Baltic seawater and/or shallow groundwater and whose He-4 and Cl- contents are extremely low compared with other samples collected at the same surrounding depth. The oldest groundwater with a high salinity of more than 14,000 mg l(-1) of Cl- is estimated to be more than 1.8 Ma old. The groundwater residence time ranges from 0.9 to 900 Ka in the mixing-zone. Groundwater in the disturbed zone where rapid mixing has occurred is hard to date reliably and its primary hydrochemical character has already been lost. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. [References: 24]
机译:在瑞典的Aspo硬岩实验室(HRL)中,采用不同的水化学方法,即稀有气体含量,同位素测量和主要离子浓度,在2a的时间内研究了因隧洞造成的水力变化。溶解的稀有气体(He-4和Ne的含量,以及He-3 / He-4的比例,Ar-40 / Ar-36的比例),稳定的同位素,主要离子的化学浓度和Cl-36 / Cl的比例,在由充气封隔器隔离的井眼部分的隧道中收集的地下水样品中确定了地下水的含量。根据He-4和Cl-含量将地下水分为三类:He-4和Cl-含量较高的原状地下水(即在隧道施工之前),通过与波罗的海海水混合逐渐变质的地下水及其He- 4和Cl-含量随着深度的增加而逐渐增加,并且由于波罗的海海水和/或浅层地下水的快速混合,地下水已经完全改变,并且He-4和Cl-含量与在相同的周围深度。高盐度超过14,000 mg l(-1)Cl-的最古老的地下水估计超过1.8 Ma。在混合区中,地下水的停留时间为0.9至900 Ka。发生快速混合的受干扰地区的地下水至今难以可靠地确定,其主要的水化学特征已经丧失。 (C)2000 Elsevier ScienceLtd。保留所有权利。 [参考:24]



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