首页> 外文期刊>Applied Geography >Examining geographic visualization as a technique for individual risk assessment. (Special Issue: Hazards.)

Examining geographic visualization as a technique for individual risk assessment. (Special Issue: Hazards.)

机译:将地理可视化作为个人风险评估的一种技术进行检查。 (特刊:危险。)

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This research examined the extent to which geographic visualization might serve as a technique for assessing and understanding levels of personal risk. An exercise was created, consisting of a series of five animations, representing five historical flood events in flood-prone central Texas and displayed on an Internet site along with a survey questionnaire. Three questions guided this research: (1) To what extent can individuals correctly rank levels of intensities among five historical rainfall events, and, therefore levels of risk after viewing visualizations; (2) Does professional training and experience in a hazards-related field prove to be an advantage for correctly identifying and ranking levels of risk among the rainfall events after viewing visualizations; (3) Is prior experience with a flood, or any other hazard occurrence a factor in whether individuals can correctly assess levels of risk in visualizations depicting rainfall events? Our study demonstrated that computer-interested individuals are willing and able to access website information related to historical flood events, and interact with that website in viewing, interpreting and ranking computer animations of featured events; and, for the most part, regardless of prior experience, or workplace training, can, more or less, distinguish between levels of intensity of events. However, due to the fairly recent introduction of geographic visualization in hazards research, we call for more work in this area, and have offered an extensive list of research questions for assessing the viability of this technique for more accurate risk assessment and management at the individual level.Digital Object Identifier http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apgeog.2010.03.011
机译:这项研究检查了地理可视化在多大程度上可以用作评估和理解个人风险水平的技术。创建了一个由五个动画组成的练习,该动画代表了易发洪水的德克萨斯州中部的五个历史洪水事件,并与调查问卷一起显示在互联网上。这项研究指导着三个问题:(1)个人可以在多大程度上正确地将五种历史降雨事件中的强度等级进行排序,因此,在查看可视化结果后的风险等级如何; (2)在查看可视化结果之后,在与危险有关的领域中接受专业培训和经验是否被证明是正确识别降雨事件中的风险等级并对其进行排名的优势? (3)个人是否可以正确地评估描述降雨事件的可视化中的风险水平,是洪水或任何其他灾害发生的先验经验的因素吗?我们的研究表明,对计算机感兴趣的人愿意并且能够访问与历史洪水事件有关的网站信息,并能够与该网站进行交互,以查看,解释和排列特色事件的计算机动画;并且在大多数情况下,无论先前的经验或工作场所的培训如何,都可以或多或少地区分事件的强度级别。但是,由于最近在危害研究中引入了地理可视化功能,我们呼吁在这一领域开展更多工作,并提供了广泛的研究问题清单,以评估该技术的可行性,以便对个人进行更准确的风险评估和管理。数字对象标识符http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apgeog.2010.03.011



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