首页> 外文期刊>Applied Geography >Using a high-density rain gauge network to estimate extreme rainfall frequencies in Minnesota. (Special Issue: Hazards.)

Using a high-density rain gauge network to estimate extreme rainfall frequencies in Minnesota. (Special Issue: Hazards.)

机译:使用高密度雨量计网络估算明尼苏达州的极端降雨频率。 (特刊:危险。)

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This paper estimates rainfall frequencies over a portion of Minnesota's high-density rain gauge network. Daily rainfall data from a grid of 10 km by 10 km cells centered on Minneapolis, MN are used to explore the spatial component of extreme rainfall frequencies. A suite of statistical and graphical techniques, performed on each cell's time series of annual maximum daily precipitation for the period 1958-2002, revealed that the mean annual maxima were highly dependent on the number of observers within each cell. Considerable spatial variability in return-period estimates also resulted from the observer number disparities, as well as the fact that a small proportion of the cells experienced outstandingly large rainfalls. The estimates for 24-h, 100-yr rainfall in this study are larger - often by a factor of two - than "official" published values. The highly urbanized study area may, therefore, be more susceptible to flooding and damage than its designers had anticipated. Many of the differences between these estimates and published values result from using multiple points to construct a synthetic, single-point time series for each cell; earlier studies have constructed each series from singular fixed points. While traditional point-based approaches to design values may be valid in some instances, it is argued that extreme rainfall is an inherently areal phenomenon, and that a small-area-based approach may be more appropriate when designing for features and processes that area also areal in nature.Digital Object Identifier http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apgeog.2010.03.013
机译:本文估算了明尼苏达州一部分高密度雨量计网络的降雨频率。来自以明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯为中心的10 km x 10 km网格的每日降雨数据用于探索极端降雨频率的空间成分。对每个单元格在1958-2002年期间每年最大日降水量的时间序列执行的一套统计和图形技术显示,平均每年最大值高度依赖于每个单元格中观察者的数量。在返回期估计中,相当大的空间变异性还来自观察者数量的差异,以及一小部分细胞经历了极大的降雨这一事实。在这项研究中,对24小时,100年降雨的估计值比“官方”公布的值大-通常高两倍。因此,高度城市化的研究区可能比其设计者所预期的更容易遭受洪水和破坏。这些估计值与已发布的值之间的许多差异是由于使用多个点为每个像元构建一个合成的单点时间序列而导致的;较早的研究从奇异的固定点构建了每个序列。尽管传统的基于点的设计值方法在某些情况下可能是有效的,但据认为极端降雨是一种固有的区域现象,并且在设计该区域的特征和过程时,基于小区域的方法可能更合适。本质上是区域。数字对象标识符http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apgeog.2010.03.013



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