
Ultramafic-derived arsenic in a fractured bedrock aquifer


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In the fractured bedrock aquifer of northern Vermont, USA, As concentrations in groundwater range from <1 to 327μg/L (<13-4360nm/L) and these elevated occurrences have a general spatial association with ultramafic rock bodies. The ultramafic rocks in this region are comprised mainly of serpentinites and talc-magnesite rocks with average As concentration of 93ppm and a range from 1 to 1105ppm. By comparison, the other main lithologies in the study area are depleted in As relative to the ultramafics: the average As concentration in metabasaltic rocks is 4.1ppm with a range of <1-69ppm, and mean As concentration in meta-sedimentary phyllites and schists is 22ppm with a range of <1-190ppm. In the ultramafic rocks, As is correlated with Sb and light rare earth elements, indicating that As was introduced to the ultramafic rocks during metasomatism by fluids derived from the subducting slab. Evidence from sequential chemical extraction, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and stoichiometric analysis indicates that the majority of the As is located in antigorite and magnesite (MgCO_3) with lesser amounts in magnetite (Fe_3O_4). Hydrochemistry of monitoring wells drilled into fractured ultramafic rock in a groundwater recharge area with no anthropogenic As source reveals above background As (2-9μg/L) and an Mg-HCO_3 hydrochemical signature that reflects dissolution of antigorite and magnesite, confirming that As in groundwater can be derived from ultramafic rock dissolution. Arsenic mobility in groundwater affected by ultramafic rock dissolution may be enhanced by alkaline pH values and relatively high HCO3- concentrations.
机译:在美国佛蒙特州北部裂隙的基岩含水层中,地下水中砷的浓度范围从<1到327μg/ L(<13-4360nm / L),这些升高的发生与超镁铁质岩体具有一般的空间联系。该地区的超镁铁质岩石主要由蛇纹岩和滑石菱镁矿岩石组成,平均砷浓度为93ppm,范围为1至1105ppm。相比之下,研究区中的其他主要岩性相对于超镁铁质而言贫化了:准玄武质岩石中的平均As浓度为4.1ppm,范围小于1-69ppm,并且在准沉积的系统岩和片岩中的平均As浓度为22ppm,范围<1-190ppm。在超镁铁质岩石中,As与Sb和轻稀土元素相关,这表明在交代过程中,俯冲板片中的流体将As引入超镁铁质岩石中。序贯化学萃取,X射线衍射(XRD)和化学计量分析的证据表明,大部分As位于反铁矿和菱镁矿(MgCO_3)中,而磁铁矿(Fe_3O_4)中的As较少。没有人为砷源的地下水补给区中的裂缝性超镁铁岩中钻探的监测井的水化学性质高于背景砷(2-9μg/ L)且Mg-HCO_3水化学特征反映了蛇纹石和菱镁矿的溶解,证实了地下水中的砷可以源自超镁铁质岩石的溶解。碱性pH值和相对较高的HCO3-浓度可增强受超镁铁质岩石溶解影响的地下水中的砷迁移率。



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