首页> 外文期刊>Nanoscale >Molecular level studies on binding modes of labeling molecules with polyalanine peptides

Molecular level studies on binding modes of labeling molecules with polyalanine peptides


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In this work, the binding modes of typical labeling molecules (thioflavin T (ThT), Congo red (CR) and copper(n) phthalocyanine tetrasulfonic acid tetrasodium salt (PcCu(SO3Na)4)) on pentaalanine, which is a model peptide segment of amyloid peptides, have been resolved at the molecular level by using scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). In the STM images, ThT molecules are predominantly adsorbed parallel to the peptide strands and two binding modes could be identified. It was found that ThT molecules are preferentially binding on top of the peptide strand, and the mode of intercalated between neighboring peptides also exists. The parallel binding mode of CR molecules can be observed with pentaalanine peptides. Besides the binding modes of labeling molecules, the CR and PcCu(SO3Na)4 display different adsorption affinity with the pentaalanine peptides. The results could be beneficial for obtaining molecular level insight of the interactions between labeling molecules and peptides.
机译:在这部作品中,绑定的典型模式分子标记(thioflavin T(阻),刚果红色(CR)和铜酞菁tetrasulfonic (n)酸四钠盐(PcCu (SO3Na) 4))pentaalanine,这是一个模型肽段淀粉样肽,已经得到解决利用扫描隧道分子水平显微镜(STM)。分子主要是吸附平行肽链和两个绑定模式被识别。优先绑定上的肽链和之间的插入模式相邻肽也存在。绑定模式的CR分子可以观察到pentaalanine肽。的标记分子,CR和PcCu (SO3Na) 4显示不同的吸附亲和力pentaalanine肽。有利于获得分子水平上的见解相互作用的分子标记和多肽。



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