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The effect of dry cow winter management system on feed intake, performance and estimated energy demand.


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This research compared three wood-chip out-wintering pad (OWP; an unsheltered OWP; a sheltered OWP (both with a concrete feed apron); and an unsheltered OWP with silage provided directly on top of the wood-chip bedding (self-feed OWP)) designs and cubicle housing with regard to dairy cow performance during the pre-partum period, and for 8 weeks post partum. Data were compared during 2 years. In Year 1, the unsheltered (space allowance=12 m2 per cow) and sheltered (6 m2 per cow) OWPs were compared with cubicle housing (n=49 cows per treatment). In Year 2, all three OWP designs (12 m2 per cow) were compared with cubicle housing (n=24 cows per treatment, split into two replicates). Animals were dried off and assigned to treatment in the autumn, and remained there until calving in spring. Subsequently, they were managed at pasture during lactation. Outcome measures for analysis during the pre-partum period were feed intake, live weight, body condition score (BCS), heat production and heat loss, and post-partum were live weight, BCS, milk yield and milk composition. In Year 1, all cows had a similar live weight, but both pre-partum and at calving cows on the unsheltered OWP had a lower BCS than cows in cubicles (P<0.05). However, in Year 2, there were no differences in either live weight or BCS. In Year 1, cows in the unsheltered OWP produced less heat than in cubicles (P<0.05), but in Year 2, there was no treatment effect. In both years, cows in unsheltered OWPs lost more heat than cows in the sheltered OWP (P<0.001). Treatment had no effect on milk composition either year. However, in Year 2, cows in the self-feed OWP had higher milk yields than the other treatments (P<0.05). The lower BCS and heat production values in unsheltered treatments during Year 1 were probably because of higher rainfall and wind-speed values of that year. However, in both years, live weight in all treatments increased pre partum, and BCS did not decrease, indicating that unsheltered cows did not need to mobilise body reserves. Thus, OWPs could be a suitable pre-partum alternative to cubicle housing for dry dairy cows with regard to some aspects of dairy cow productive performance. However, further research should be carried out to investigate longer-term effects.
机译:这项研究比较了三个木片冬季外用垫(OWP;一个没有棚架的OWP;一个带棚棚的OWP(都带有混凝土进料围裙);和一个带棚架的OWP,直接在木片床上用品的顶部提供了青贮饲料(自给式) (OWP))在产前和产后8周内针对奶牛的性能设计和小隔间。比较了2年期间的数据。在第一年,将无棚棚(每头母牛的空间津贴= 12 m 2 )和有遮蔽的(每头牛6 m 2 )OWP与小隔间住房( n =每处理49头母牛)。在第2年,将所有三种OWP设计(每头奶牛12 m 2 )与小隔间(每处理24头奶牛,分成两个重复)进行比较。将动物干燥并在秋天进行处理,并留在那里直到春天产犊。随后,他们在哺乳期在牧场上进行管理。在产前期间进行分析的结果指标是采食量,活体重,身体状况评分(BCS),产热量和热损失以及产后体重,BCS,牛奶产量和牛奶成分。在第1年,所有奶牛的活重相似,但在产卵期OWP的产前奶牛和产犊奶牛的BCS均比隔间奶牛低( P < 0.05)。但是,在第2年,活重或BCS均无差异。在第1年,无棚OWP中的母牛产生的热量少于隔间( P <0.05),但是在第2年,则没有治疗效果。在这两年中,在无棚OWP中的母牛比在有棚OWP中的母牛散发的热量更多( P <0.001)。一年中治疗对牛奶成分没有影响。但是,在第2年,采用自喂OWP的奶牛的产奶量高于其他处理( P <0.05)。在第一年的非遮蔽式处理中,较低的BCS和产热值可能是由于该年的降雨和风速值较高。但是,在这两个年度中,所有治疗的活体重均在产前增加,而BCS却没有减少,这表明不受庇护的母牛无需动员身体储备。因此,就奶牛生产性能的某些方面而言,OWP可能是干燥奶牛隔间住房的一种合适的“产前”替代方案。但是,应该进行进一步的研究以研究长期影响。



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