
Picture of the Month


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A 4-YEAR-OLD BLACK GIRL PRESENTED TO THE pediatric dermatology clinic for evaluation of a growth on the right foot, first noted in "early childhood." Examination of the right heel revealed a well-circumscribed 3 X 5-mm white keratotic papule surrounded by a collarette of firm tissue with interruption of skin lines (Figure 1). The lesion was assumed by the parents to be a wart and was treated with a topical salicylic acid preparation with complete resolution and subsequent recurrence within 1 month. The patient reported focal tenderness to pressure and discomfort while wearing shoes. The child was born weighing 2090 g at 34 weeks' gestation by an otherwise uncomplicated vaginal delivery. Apgar scores were 8 and 9, and although the initial physical examination results were normal, the child was taken to the nursery for observation. The postnatal course was complicated by poor feeding, temperature instability, and hyperbilirubinemia, resulting in a prolonged hospital course of 11 days. At the time of discharge, the patient was healthy, and subsequent medical history is otherwise unremarkable.
机译:一个四岁的黑人女孩儿科皮肤科诊所增长的评价右脚,首先在“早期的童年。”检查后发现右脚跟的然而,3 X 5毫米白色角化病的公司组织的丘疹睫状区包围中断的皮肤线(图1)。损害是由父母承担疣局部水杨酸处理与完整的决议和准备随后在1月内复发。报道焦点压力和温柔穿鞋时的不适。出生重2090 g在34周的妊娠否则,简单的阴道分娩。分数8和9,尽管最初的体检结果正常,孩子被送往托儿所的观察。产后课程被可怜的复杂喂,温度不稳定,高胆红素血,导致长时间医院11天。放电,病人健康,后续的医学历史不起眼的。



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