首页> 外文期刊>Nanoscale >Intraband hot-electron photoluminescence of a silver nanowire-coupled gold film via high-order gap plasmons

Intraband hot-electron photoluminescence of a silver nanowire-coupled gold film via high-order gap plasmons


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We report a strong one-photon photoluminescence (PL) behavior of a silver nanowire directly coupled gold film. The PL peak position of the silver nanowire-coupled gold film deviates from the intrinsic interband transition of gold materials and is not sensitive to the diameter change of the silver nanowire. We attribute this strong PL behavior to the intraband transition of hot electrons dominated by high-order gap plasmons, which are excited in the ultra-small gap formed by an ultra-thin polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP) layer coated on the silver nanowire. The results show that the energy required for the strong PL of the heterogeneous system mainly comes from the gold film, acting as an incident energy absorber enhanced by the high-order gap plasmons, while the silver nanowire acts an efficient incident energy focusing antenna. In situ Raman scattering spectra and time-resolved PL intensity integral curves were used to record the carbonization and disappearance process of PVP. The understanding of the PL behavior of the silver nanowire directly coupled gold film proves the universality of plasmon-modulated PL theory and is also of great significance to improve the generation and utilization efficiency of hot electrons with high-order gap plasmons in the fields of catalysis and incident energy capture.
机译:我们报告一个强大的一个光子光致发光直接(PL)行为的银纳米线耦合的金膜。银nanowire-coupled金电影偏离黄金的内在带间的过渡材料和直径不敏感银纳米线的变化。强大的PL intraband过渡的行为热电子由高阶的差距等离子体,在超微兴奋差距形成的一个超薄聚乙烯吡咯烷酮(PVP)层包覆的银纳米线。结果表明,所需的能量强烈的异构系统主要PL来自于金膜,作为一个事件能量吸收增强的高阶的差距等离子体,而银纳米线的行为高效的入射能量聚焦天线。原位拉曼散射光谱和时间分辨PL强度积分曲线是用来记录碳化和消失的过程PVP。银纳米线直接耦合的金电影证明了plasmon-modulated PL的普遍性理论也是提高具有重要意义发电和热利用效率电子与高阶等离子体激元的差距催化领域和入射能量捕获。




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