首页> 外文期刊>Nanoscale >Regulating crystallization dynamics and crystal orientation of methylammonium tin iodide enables high-efficiency lead-free perovskite solar cells

Regulating crystallization dynamics and crystal orientation of methylammonium tin iodide enables high-efficiency lead-free perovskite solar cells


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Tin (Sn)-based perovskite solar cells (PSCs) have attracted much attention because they are more environmentally friendly than lead-based PSCs. However, the fast crystallization of Sn-based perovskite films and the easy oxidation of Sn2+ to Sn4+ hinder the improvement of their efficiency and stability. In this work, ethylammonium bromide (EABr) was added to methylammonium tin iodide (MASnI(3)) perovskite precursor solution to regulate the crystallization dynamics and improve the film morphology. The results show that the large EA(+) ions slow down the crystallization process of Sn-based perovskites and form a smooth perovskite film with high crystallinity, while the added Br- anions further improved the crystallinity and orientation of the perovskite film. Under the combined action of EA(+) and Br- ions, the as-produced PSCs achieved a champion power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 9.59%. The EABr additive also retarded the oxidation of Sn2+, and the solar cell device maintained 93% of its initial efficiency after 30 days in a nitrogen-filled glove box without being encapsulated. This work provides a new strategy for the realization of high-efficiency Sn-based PSCs.
机译:锡(Sn)的钙钛矿太阳能电池(已经)因为他们更吸引了太多的关注比含铅已经被环保。然而,Sn-based的快速结晶钙钛矿电影和容易的Sn2 +氧化Sn4 +阻碍的改进效率和稳定性。ethylammonium溴化(EABr)了碘化methylammonium锡(MASnI(3)钙钛矿调节前体解决方案结晶动力学,提高电影形态。离子减缓的结晶过程Sn-based钙钛矿,形成一个光滑的钙钛矿电影具有高结晶度,Br -补充道阴离子结晶度和进一步完善取向的钙钛矿的电影。联合行动的EA(+)和Br -离子应该是已经取得了冠军转换效率(PCE)的9.59%。添加剂也弱智Sn2氧化+,太阳能电池设备维护的93%初始效率后30天充氮手套箱没有封装。为实现高效Sn-based已经被。




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