首页> 外文期刊>Antiviral Research >Early nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors for the treatment of HIV: a brief history of stavudine (D4T) and its comparison with other dideoxynucleosides.

Early nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors for the treatment of HIV: a brief history of stavudine (D4T) and its comparison with other dideoxynucleosides.


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The occasion of this 25th anniversary issue encouraged us to reminisce about the important history of the discovery of the dideoxynucleoside analogues for the treatment of HIV/AIDS and to chronicle our thoughts about a particular exciting and rewarding period of our scientific careers. Following the identification of the anti-HIV activity of zidovudine (AZT), we participated in the urgent quest to discover optimal treatments of HIV infection and AIDS. A number of previously synthesized nucleoside analogues were comparatively evaluated, and stavudine (D4T) emerged as a promising candidate for development. Following clinical evaluation, D4T became a mainstay of the initial antiretroviral combination therapy, prolonging and saving numerous lives. It has only recently been supplanted by better-tolerated treatments. This article forms part of a special issue of Antiviral Research marking the 25th anniversary of antiretroviral drug discovery and development, vol. 85, issue 1, 2010.
机译:在这个25周年纪念日之际,我们使我们想起了发现双脱氧核苷类似物用于治疗HIV / AIDS的重要历史,并记述了我们对科学事业中一个特殊的激动人心的时期的想法。在确定齐多夫定(AZT)的抗HIV活性后,我们参加了一项紧急任务,以发现HIV感染和AIDS的最佳治疗方法。对许多先前合成的核苷类似物进行了比较评估,司他夫定(D4T)成为发展的有希望的候选者。经过临床评估,D4T成为了最初的抗逆转录病毒联合疗法的支柱,延长并挽救了许多生命。它直到最近才被更好的耐受性治疗所取代。本文是《抗病毒研究》特刊的一部分,该刊物纪念抗逆转录病毒药物发现和开发25周年。 85,第1期,2010年。



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