
Competency frameworks: Universal or local


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We read with great enthusiasm the scholarly paper by Morcke et al. (2012) published in the Advances in Health Sciences Education journal entitled "Outcome (competency) based education: an exploration of its origins, theoretical basis, and empirical evidence". The authors of this splendid manuscript provide a comprehensive review of an important concept in medical education, i.e. "competency". It is very important to notice that the outcome based education (OBE) era, despite the widespread discussions and debates which have been present over the issue, still suffers from a scarcity of the evidence to support its impact on learning. Most of the few studies that Morecke et al. found do not actually check for the outcome or output of this approach. While we support most of the ideas presented in the paper, there is one point we do not completely agree with. The authors state that "even, schools with very different styles of curriculum could reach consensus on learning outcomes". They set CanMEDS competency framework as an example and claim that it has been "extensively adopted, not only in Canada, but around the world". This notion implies that a similar set of competencies can be adopted by all medical schools aroqpd the world.
机译:我们怀着极大的热情阅读了Morcke等人的学术论文。 (2012年)发表在《健康科学教育的进步》杂志上,题为“基于结果(能力)的教育:对它的起源,理论基础和经验证据的探索”。这份出色的手稿的作者全面回顾了医学教育中的一个重要概念,即“能力”。值得注意的是,基于结果的教育(OBE)时代尽管对该问题进行了广泛的讨论和辩论,但仍然缺乏支持其对学习的影响的证据。 Morecke等人所做的少数研究中的大多数。发现实际上并未检查此方法的结果或输出。尽管我们支持本文提出的大多数想法,但有一点我们并不完全同意。作者指出“即使课程风格迥异的学校也可以在学习成果上达成共识”。他们以CanMEDS能力框架为例,声称“不仅在加拿大,而且在世界范围内都广泛采用了”。这个概念意味着世界各地的所有医学院校都可以采用类似的能力。



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