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Survey studies on rodent fauna of the new reclaimed area and their role on crop damage in Egypt


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Ecological studies on rodents were conducted in two different habitats representing the environmental and ecological profile of the newly reclaimed areas (i.e. Serabium (Ismailia governorate) and 6 October Farm at Nubaria area (Alexandria governorate)). Rattus rattus frugivorus, Rattus norvegicus, Mus musculus and Gerbillus gerbillus were recorded in both areas in addition to Meriones shawi at 6 October Farm. R.r. frugivorus and M. shawi were abundant in both areas. At the same time, M. shawi and G. gerbillus were found only in vegetable and crop fields. M. musculus was recorded in small numbers in the farm houses at Serabium and in camps at 6 October Farm. R.r. frugivorus was found in fruit orchards in both areas, while R. norvegicus was found inthe poultry and animal breeding farms with high abundance. Numbers of M. shawi and G. gerbillus animals fluctuated from season to season. The highest abundance was recorded during the months following winter and during the summer seasons (crop harvest),while the lowest numbers were recorded during winter months. The burrowing patterns of G. gerbillus and M. shawi were similar, except that the latter species dug deeper. Also, the burrows were deepest during winter. Rodent damage varied according to thetypes of crop, location and rodent species which prevailed in the area. In Ismailia governorate, tomatoes and strawberries were severely infested with G. gerbillus, while damage caused by M. shawi reached a maximum in wheat and tomato fields on 6 October Farm.
机译:在两个不同的生境进行了啮齿动物的生态研究,这些生境代表了新开垦区的环境和生态概况(即,Serabium(伊斯梅利亚省)和Nubaria地区的10月6日农场(Alexandria省))。在10月6日的农场中,除了Meriones shawi以外,在两个地区均记录了褐家鼠,褐家鼠,小家鼠和Gerbillus gerbillus。 R.r.在这两个地区,节食动物和沙威支原体都很丰富。同时,仅在蔬菜和农作物中发现了沙门氏菌和G. gerbillus。在Serabium的农舍和10月6日农场的营地中记录到了小家鼠。 R.r.在这两个地区的果园中均发现了节食动物,而在家禽和动物繁殖场中则发现了高繁殖力的罗非鱼。 Shawi和G. gerbillus动物的数量随季节而波动。在冬季之后的几个月和夏季(作物收获)期间记录的丰度最高,而在冬季月份则记录到最低的丰度。 G. gerbillus和M. shawi的穴居模式相似,只是后者的物种挖得更深。另外,在冬天,洞穴最深。啮齿动物的损害因该地区盛行的农作物类型,位置和啮齿动物种类而异。在伊斯玛利亚省,番茄和草莓受到了G. gerbillus的严重侵染,而沙威分支杆菌对小麦和番茄的破坏在10月6日的农场达到最大。



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