首页> 外文期刊>Annals of Agricultural Research >Energy balance studies in cotton {Gossypium hirsutum L.) -chickpea (Cicer arientinum L.) cropping system as influenced by different integrated nutrient management systems

Energy balance studies in cotton {Gossypium hirsutum L.) -chickpea (Cicer arientinum L.) cropping system as influenced by different integrated nutrient management systems

机译:受不同综合养分管理系统影响的棉花(Gossypium hirsutum L。)-鹰嘴豆(Cicer arientinum L.)种植系统的能量平衡研究

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An experiment was conducted during 2006-07 and 2007-08 at the research farm of Department of Agronomy, MPKV, Rahuri, Dist. Ahmednagar (MS) to find the effect of different organic and inorganic sources of nutrient apphcation alone or in combination with each other on energy balance studies in hybrid cotton-chickpea cropping sequence. The experiment was laid-out in a split plot design with three replications. The seven main-plot treatments viz. T_1: Gross recommended dose of fertilizer (GRDF) i.e. 10 tfarmyard manure (FYM) ha~(-1) + recommended dose of fertilizer (RDF) as 100:50:50 kg NPK ha ', T_2 : 75 % RDF + 25% recommended dose of nitrogen (RDN) through vermicompost, T_3: 50% RDF + 50% RDN through vermicompost, T_4^ : 25% RDF + 75% RDN through vermicompost, T_5: 100% RDN through vermicompost, T_6: Fertilizer dose according to soil test crop response (STCR) equation and T_7 : Control, were applied to hybrid cotton cv. 'Phule-492' during summer season and the sub-plot treatments comprising of : Control, : 50 % RDF, S3: 75% RDF and S_4: 100% RDF were apphed to chickpea cv. 'Digvijay' during rabi season. The results indicated that, application of fertilizer dose according to soil test crop response (STCR) equation recorded significandy higher values for different growth attribu es viz. plant height, monopodial branches, sympodial branches and dry matter plant ' , seed cotton yield, stalk yield, monetary returns and nutrient uptake during both the years of experimentation. The lowest values for growth attributes, seed cotton yield, stalk yield, monetary returns and nutrient uptake were recorded by the control.
机译:在2006-07年和2007-08年间,在位于拉斯特(Rahuri)的MPKV农学系的研究农场进行了一项实验。艾哈迈德纳格尔(MS)发现单独或组合使用不同有机和无机养分施用源对杂交棉-鹰嘴豆种植序列中能量平衡研究的影响。将实验布置在具有三个重复的分割图设计中。七个主要情节治疗。 T_1:化肥的总推荐剂量(GRDF),即10 far粪肥(FYM)ha〜(-1)+化肥的推荐剂量(RDF)为100:50:50 kg NPK ha',T_2:75%RDF + 25%推荐的通过com子的氮(RDN)剂量,T_3:通过ver子的50%RDF + 50%RDN,T_4 ^:通过ver子的25%RDF + 75%RDN,T_5:通过ver子的RDN 100%,T_6:根据土壤的肥料剂量将试验作物响应(STCR)方程和T_7:对照应用于杂交棉cv。在夏季,将“ Phule-492”和包括:对照,50%RDF,S3:75%RDF和S_4:100%RDF的子图处理应用于鹰嘴豆。狂犬病季节的“ Digvijay”。结果表明,根据土壤试验作物反应(STCR)方程施肥量记录了不同生长特性的显着较高的值。在这两个试验年中,植物高度,单足类分枝,交足类分枝和干物质植物,籽棉产量,秸秆产量,货币收益和养分吸收。对照记录了生长特性,籽棉产量,秸秆产量,货币收益和养分吸收的最低值。



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