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Performance of System of Wheat Intensification (SWI) and conventional wheat sowing under North Eastern Plain Zone of India


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A field experiment was conducted during the rabi seasons of 2011-12 and 2012-13 at Regional Station Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Pusa, Samastipur, Bihar. System of wheat intensification (SWI) with different plant geometry was compared withconventional line sowing method of wheat under sandy loam soil. Seed treatment comprises of treated and untreated seed were allocated in main plot whereas three plant geometry of SWI (10 x 10,15 x 15 and 20 x 20 cm) and one conventional line sowing at 22.5 cm were allocated in sub-plot under split plot design with three replications. Treated seed gave relatively higher effective tillers, number of grains and 1000-grain weight of wheat as compared to untreated seed. SWI at 10 cm x 10 cm recorded significantly higher effective tillers (345.7 and 405.8 nr2) as compared to SWI at 15 cm x 15 cm or 20 cm x 20 cm spacing during both the years. SWI at 10 cm x 10 cm spacing recorded significantly higher grain yield (6.60 and 5.14 t ha~(-1)) during 2011-12 and 2012-13, respectively over other treatments. Irrigation water productivity was highest in SWI method with 10 cm x 10 cm spacing (27.50 and 21.42 kg ha.mrn~(-1)) as compared to conventional line sowing (20.2 and 15. 8 kg ha.mm"') in 2011-12 and 2012-13, respectively. Thus, there was water saving of 17.3 and 17.8% during 2011-12 and 2012-13, respectively in SWI method of wheat sowing as compared to conventional line sowing.
机译:在2011-12和2012-13的狂犬病季节期间,在比哈尔邦萨马斯蒂布尔的普萨地区印度农业研究所进行了野外试验。将不同植株形态的小麦强化栽培体系与常规壤土下小麦常规播种方法进行了比较。在主样区中分配了包括处理过的种子和未处理过的种子的种子处理,而在分割样地中,在子样地中分配了SWI的三种植物几何尺寸(10 x 10,15 x 15和20 x 20 cm)和一种常规的22.5 cm播种设计具有三个副本。与未处理的种子相比,处理过的种子产生了相对更高的有效分,、小麦粒数和1000粒重。在这两年中,与15 cm x 15 cm或20 cm x 20 cm间距的SWI相比,SWI在10 cm x 10 cm处记录的有效分till(345.7和405.8 nr2)显着更高。与其他处理相比,在2011-12年和2012-13年期间,以10 cm x 10 cm间距布置的SWI分别显着提高了谷物产量(6.60和5.14 t ha〜(-1))。与2011年的常规播种(20.2和15. 8 kg ha.mm“)相比,采用SWI方法的灌溉水生产率最高,间距为10 cm x 10 cm(27.50和21.42 kg ha.mrn〜(-1))。因此,与传统的线播相比,SWI小麦播种在2011-12和2012-13期间分别节水12.3和2012-13,分别节水17.3和17.8%。



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