首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Biotechnology >Calibration and Validation of CERES-Wheat Model in North Eastern Plain Zone (NEPZ) of India

Calibration and Validation of CERES-Wheat Model in North Eastern Plain Zone (NEPZ) of India

机译:印度东北普通区CERES - 小麦模型的校准与验证

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The crop growth model DSSAT (Decision Support Systems for Agrotechnology Transfer) used to simulate the weather parameters impacts on crop growth and yield. The experiment was conducted on Wheat crop in North Eastern Plain Zone of India. The main objective of the study was to evaluate wheat phenological stages and yield in major wheat growing zone of India. Among the parameters of the crop Yield and Days of flowering has been used for calibration and validation purpose. For the study CERES-Wheat model was used for the calibration and validation. Different data sets were used for the calibration and validation of the model. Methods of deviation statistics like Index of Agreement (d), RMSE and NRMSE are used to measure the efficiency of the model. ForYield it shows (d), RMSE and NRMSE values 0.961, 199.25 and 5.17 respectively and for Days of flowering it shows (d), (RMSE) and NRMSE values are 0.970, 4.37 and 4.35 respectively. Study results shows that model is adequate to simulate the effects of climate change on wheat yield in North Eastern Plain Zone of India that are free from all pests. The model may also be used to improve and evaluate the current practices of wheat growth management to enhance wheat production.
机译:作物生长模型DSSAT(用于农业技术转移的决策支持系统)用于模拟天气参数对作物生长和产量的影响。该实验是在印度北普通区的小麦作物上进行。该研究的主要目的是评估印度主要小麦种植区的小麦毒性阶段和产量。作物产量和开花的日子中的参数已经用于校准和验证目的。对于研究,Ceres-小麦模型用于校准和验证。不同的数据集用于校准和验证模型。偏差统计方法,如协议指数(d),RMSE和NRMSE用于测量模型的效率。 Foryield STIMS(D),RMSE和NRMSE值分别为0.961,19.25和5.17,并且其出现的日子显示(D),(RMSE)和NRMSE值分别为0.970,4.37和4.35。研究结果表明,模型足以模拟气候变化对印度东北普通区的小麦产量的影响,这些植物不受所有害虫。该模型还可用于改进和评估小麦生长管理的现行实践,以提高小麦产量。



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