首页> 外文期刊>Annali di Chimica: Journal of Analytical and Environmental Chemistry >Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the atmosphere:monitoring,sources,sinks and fate.II:Sinks and fate

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the atmosphere:monitoring,sources,sinks and fate.II:Sinks and fate


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This paper reviews the transformation processes that polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) undergo in the atmosphere.These processes can take place both in the gas phase and in the partialculate/aerosol one.Among the gas-phase processes,the most important ones are the daytime reaction with ~(centre not)OH and the nighttime reaction with ~(centre not)NO_3.The relative importance of the two processes depends on the particular PAH molecule.For instance,gaseous naphthalene is mainly removed from the atmosphere upon reaction with ~(centre not)OH,while gaseous phenanthrene is mainly removed by reaction with ~(centre)NO_3.Oxy-,hydroxy-,and nitro-PAHs are the main transformation intermediates.Reaction with ozone and photolysis play a secondary role in the transformation of gaseous PAHs.The particle-associated processes are usually slower than the gas-phase ones,thus the gas-phase PAHs usually have shorter atmospheric lifetimes than those found on particulate.Due to the higher residence time on particulate when compared with the gas phase,direct or assisted photolysis plays a relevant role in the transformation of particle-associated PAHs.Among the other processes taking place in the condensed phase,nitration plays a very important role due to the health impact of nitro-PAHs,some of them being the most powerful mutagens found so far in atmospheric particulate extracts.
机译:本文回顾了大气中多环芳烃(PAHs)的转化过程,这些过程既可以发生在气相中,也可以发生在偏微粒/气溶胶中。在气相过程中,最重要的是白天与〜(中心)OH反应和夜间与〜(中心)NO_3反应。这两个过程的相对重要性取决于特定的PAH分子。例如,气态萘在与〜(反应)反应后主要从大气中去除。中心不是)OH,而主要通过与〜(中心)NO_3反应除去气态菲。氧-,羟基-和硝基-PAHs是主要的转化中间体。与臭氧的反应和光解在气态转化中起次要作用颗粒相关的过程通常比气相过程慢,因此气相的PAH的大气寿命通常比在颗粒物上发现的要短。与气相相比,直接或辅助光解在与颗粒相关的多环芳烃的转化中起着重要的作用。在凝结相中发生的其他过程中,硝化由于硝基对健康的影响而起着非常重要的作用。 -PAHs,其中一些是迄今为止在大气颗粒物提取物中发现的最强大的诱变剂。



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