首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Surgical Pathology >Fluorescence in situ hybridization as an ancillary tool in the diagnosis of ambiguous melanocytic neoplasms: A review of 804 cases

Fluorescence in situ hybridization as an ancillary tool in the diagnosis of ambiguous melanocytic neoplasms: A review of 804 cases


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Previous studies have demonstrated the utility of fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) as an ancillary method in the diagnostic workup of histopathologically ambiguous melanocytic neoplasms. A combination of probes targeting 3 loci on chromosome 6 and 1 on 11q has been reported to distinguish unequivocal melanomas and nevi with a sensitivity and specificity of 87% and 96%, respectively. However, information on how FISH should be integrated into routine clinical testing is limited. We report our experience of FISH testing of 804 ambiguous melanocytic lesions performed as part of routine workup at University of California, San Francisco. The main category (47% of all cases) for which FISH testing was requested was Spitz tumors. Other categories included the distinction of possible melanoma from combined nevi (9%), acral or mucosal nevi (9%), Clark/dysplastic nevi (7%), and blue or deep penetrating nevi (6%) and to assess the possibility of nevoid melanoma (4%). Of the ambiguous tumors successfully tested, 88% received a more definitive benign or malignant final diagnosis. Of the 630 cases that tested negative by FISH, the final diagnosis was benign in 489 (78%) cases, ambiguous in 91 cases (14%), and malignant in 50 cases (8%). A positive FISH result was observed in 124 cases, with a final diagnosis of melanoma in 117 (94%). One (1%) FISH-positive case had an equivocal final diagnosis, and 6 (5%) were interpreted, despite the positive FISH result, as melanocytic nevi. We conclude that FISH testing can help reduce the number of equivocal diagnoses in ambiguous melanocytic neoplasms, in particular if FISH testing is positive, and discuss the challenges and limitations of FISH in clinical practice.
机译:先前的研究表明,荧光原位杂交(FISH)作为组织病理学上模糊的黑素细胞瘤诊断诊断的辅助方法具有实用性。据报道,以6号染色体上的3个基因座和11q上的1个基因为靶点的探针组合可以区分明确的黑色素瘤和痣,其敏感性和特异性分别为87%和96%。但是,有关如何将FISH纳入常规临床测试的信息有限。我们报告了在加利福尼亚大学旧金山分校例行检查工作中对804个歧义黑素细胞病变进行FISH测试的经验。需要进行FISH检测的主要类别(占所有病例的47%)是Spitz肿瘤。其他类别包括将可能的黑色素瘤与合并的痣(9%),口或黏膜痣(9%),克拉克/增生性痣(7%)和蓝色或深层穿透痣(6%)进行区分,并评估避免黑色素瘤(4%)。在成功测试的歧义性肿瘤中,有88%的患者接受了更明确的良性或恶性最终诊断。在630例经FISH阴性的病例中,最终诊断为良性489例(78%),模棱两可的91例(14%),恶性的50例(8%)。在124例病例中观察到FISH阳性,最终诊断出黑色素瘤117例(94%)。 1例(1%)FISH阳性病例的最终诊断含糊不清,尽管FISH结果呈阳性,但仍有6例(5%)被解释为黑素细胞痣。我们得出的结论是,FISH测试可以帮助减少模棱两可的黑素细胞性肿瘤的模棱两可的诊断,特别是如果FISH测试呈阳性的话,并讨论FISH在临床实践中的挑战和局限性。



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