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A scientific note on the distribution of Africanized honey bees and Varroa destructor in feral honey bee populations in California


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Feral honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) must establish their colonies relatively close to water in hot, arid environments because foraging honey bee workers must collect and ferry water from sites located within a few kilometers of their hives (Visscher et al., 1996; Atmowidjojo et al., 1997). In the deserts of the southwestern United States, hundreds of artificial water sources (guzzlers) have been developed to provide water for bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) and other wildlife (Rosenstock et al., 1999). We used these water sources as sampling stations for characterizing changes in the genetic diversity of feral honey bee populations during the introduction and spread of Varroa destructor Anderson & Trueman and Africanized honey bees into southern California. From June to September of 1995 to 1997, we collected honey bee workers as they were imbibing water from three guzzlers in Anza-Borrego Desert State Park (ABDSP) and two guzzlers in the Mojave National Preserve (MNP). All of these sites were located >10 km from managed colonies. Bee-lining techniques were used to estimate the minimum number of colonies collecting water at that source because different flight vectors represented honey bees traveling to and from different colonies (Wenner et al., 1992). The rugged mountainous terrain prevented us from locating most of the colonies since we frequently lost sight of flight paths as honey bees flew across canyons. We collected honey bees from all of the colonies that we located in ABDSP, including those that occupied Nasanov-baited swarm traps placed in 1995 and 1996. We did not place any swarm traps or locate any colonies in MNP.
机译:野生蜜蜂(Apis mellifera L.)必须在炎热,干旱的环境中相对接近水的地方定居,因为觅食蜜蜂的工人必须从蜂巢几公里内的地点收集水并运送水(Visscher等,1996; Bill,1997)。 Atmowidjojo et al。,1997)。在美国西南部的沙漠中,已经开发了数百种人工水源(食水器)为大角羊(加拿大羊)和其他野生动植物提供水(Rosenstock等,1999)。我们使用这些水源作为采样站,以表征在Varroa破坏性植物Anderson&Trueman和非洲蜜蜂被引入和传播到加利福尼亚南部期间野生野蜂种群遗传多样性的变化。从1995年6月至9月至1997年,我们收集了蜜蜂工人,因为他们从安萨-波雷戈沙漠州立公园(ABDSP)的三只豪猪和莫哈韦国家自然保护区(MNP)的两只高手那里吸水。所有这些场所都位于距离管理殖民地> 10公里的地方。蜜蜂衬里技术被用来估计在那个水源收集水的最小菌落数量,因为不同的飞行媒介代表蜜蜂往返于不同的菌落(Wenner et al。,1992)。崎mountain的山地地形使我们无法找到大多数殖民地,因为蜜蜂飞越峡谷时,我们经常看不到飞行路线。我们从位于ABDSP的所有殖民地收集了蜜蜂,包括占领了1995和1996年纳萨诺夫诱饵种群陷阱的蜜蜂。我们没有在MNP中放置任何种群陷阱或定位任何殖民地。



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