首页> 外文期刊>Food Studies: an interdisciplinary journal >Organic Farmers' Interest in Quinoa Production in the Western United States

Organic Farmers' Interest in Quinoa Production in the Western United States


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Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) has risen to superstar status in the health-conscious food world. At the same time, growth in the local food movement has spurred interest in regionally produced foods, including grains and related food crops. This article explores organic farmers' interest in future quinoa production in the western United States (US). To what degree are western US farmers interested in quinoa production and what might explain such interest? How do interested farmers perceive themselves and what opinions do they have about quinoa demand, production, and consumption? What are interestedfarmers 'perceptions of the benefits and barriers to growing quinoa in the western US? To answer these questions, we draw on the results from a survey of certified organic farmers in Washington (WA) State, one of the leading US states for quinoa breeding and research. As quinoa consumption and production increase in popularity in the US, it is instructive to understand the extent and drivers of US organic farmers ' interest in growing quinoa in the future. Such understanding can contribute to ongoing discussions about the potential for growth in worldwide quinoa production, as well as the opportunities and challenges associated with growing quinoa in the western US.
机译:藜麦(Chenopodium Quinoa willd。)已升至健康意识粮的世界中的超级巨星地位。同时,当地食品运动的增长激发了人们对包括谷物和相关食品作物在内的地区生产的食品的兴趣。本文探讨了有机农民对美国西部未来藜麦生产的兴趣。西方农民对藜麦的生产感兴趣,什么可以解释这种兴趣?感兴趣的农民如何看待自己,以及他们对藜麦需求,生产和消费有什么看法?有兴趣的人对美国西部藜麦种植的好处和障碍的看法是什么?为了回答这些问题,我们借鉴了华盛顿州认证的有机农民的调查,这是美国领先的藜麦繁殖和研究的国家之一。随着藜麦的消费和生产在美国的受欢迎程度的提高,了解美国有机农民对藜麦的兴趣的程度和驱动因素是有益的。这种理解可以促进有关全球藜麦生产增长潜力的持续讨论,以及与美国西部藜麦不断增长相关的机遇和挑战。



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