首页> 外文期刊>Acta Physiologiae Plantarum >A rapid in vitro propagation of red sanders (Pterocarpus santalinus L.) using shoot tip explants.

A rapid in vitro propagation of red sanders (Pterocarpus santalinus L.) using shoot tip explants.

机译:使用芽尖外植体快速繁殖红色桑德斯( Pterocarpus santalinus L.)。

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An efficient protocol has been developed for the in vitro propagation of Pterocarpus santalinus L. using shoot tip explants which is a valuable woody medicinal plant. Various parts of this plant are pharmaceutically used for the treatment of different diseases. Multiple shoots were induced from shoot tip explants derived from 20 days old in vivo germinated seedlings on 1:1 ratio of sand and soil after treating with gibberellic acid (GA3). The highest frequency for shoot regeneration (83.3%) with maximum number of shoot buds (11) per explant was obtained on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 1.0 mg/l of 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) along with 0.1 mg/l of thidiazuron (TDZ) after 45 days of culture. A proliferating shoot culture was established by repeatedly subculturing the original shoot tip explants on fresh medium after each harvest of the newly formed shoots. Sixty percent of the shoots produced roots were transferred to rooting medium containing MS salts and 0.1 mg/l indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) after 30 days. About 73.33% of the in vitro raised plantlets were established successfully in earthen pots. Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD)-based DNA fingerprinting profiles were generated for the first time using shoot tip explants of this species and confirmed that there was no genetic variability. This protocol might be helpful for the mass multiplication of P. santalinus in the future.
机译:已经开发了一种有效的规程,用于使用枝梢外植体(一种有价值的木本药用植物)在体外繁殖 Pterocarpus santalinus L.。该植物的各个部分在药学上用于治疗不同的疾病。赤霉素(GA 3 )处理后,以20:1的沙土比例从20日龄体内发芽的幼苗的芽尖外植体诱导出多芽。在补充有1.0 mg / l 6-苄基氨基嘌呤(BAP)和0.1 mg / l的Murashige和Skoog(MS)培养基上获得最高的再生芽频率(83.3%),每个植株具有最多的芽芽数(11)培养45天后服用噻唑隆(TDZ)。每次收获新形成的芽后,通过在新鲜培养基上反复传代原始芽尖外植体来建立增殖芽培养。 30天后,将60%的新芽产生的根转移到含有MS盐和0.1 mg / l吲哚-3-丁酸(IBA)的生根培养基中。在土盆中成功建立了约73.33%的体外培养苗。基于该物种的芽尖外植体,首次生成了基于随机扩增多态性DNA(RAPD)的DNA指纹图谱,并证实没有遗传变异。该协议可能有助于 P的大量乘法。未来



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