首页> 外文期刊>Annals of epidemiology >#2 Interaction of adolescent anthropometric characteristics and family history on breast cancer risk in a cohort study of 426 families.

#2 Interaction of adolescent anthropometric characteristics and family history on breast cancer risk in a cohort study of 426 families.


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PURPOSE: To determine whether the association of adolescent anthropometric characteristics with breast cancer incidence is modified by a family history of the disease.METHODS: We used a historical cohort of 426 families of breast cancer probands diagnosed between 1944 and 1952 at the University of Minnesota. The incidence of cancer and the measurement of risk factors in sisters, daughters, granddaughters, nieces and marry-ins were determined through telephone interviews and mailed questionnaires conducted from 1991-1996. Cox proportional hazards regression, accounting for age, birth cohort, adult body mass index, and clustering within families, was used to estimate relative risks (RR) and 95% confidence intervals of breast cancer.RESULTS: Among 4,632 women available for analysis, 175 developed breast cancer. In the 426 families, sisters and daughters of the probands with above average weight at age 12, compared to those with below average weight at age 12, were at increased risk of breast cancer (RR = 2.75; 1.07-7.05), while the risk for above average weight at age 12 among grand-daughters and nieces was weaker (RR = 1.47; 0.54-4.02). In contrast, among marry-ins, women with above average weight at age 12 were at lower risk of breast cancer (RR = 0.47; 0.17-1.27), and the test for interaction between degree of relationship to proband and relative weight at age 12 on breast cancer risk was highly statistically significant (p = 0.002). The interaction was apparent for both premenopausal (p = 0.08) and postmenopausal (p = 0.02) breast cancer risk. There was no important interaction between degree of relationship to proband and height (p = 0.55), weight at age 18 (p = 0.22) or body mass index at age 18 (p = 0.63) on breast cancer risk.CONCLUSION: Family history appears to modify the effect of obesity in early adolescence on subsequent breast cancer risk, and may identify differing etiologic pathways.
机译:目的:确定该疾病的家族史是否可以改变青少年人体测量学特征与乳腺癌发病率之间的联系。方法:我们使用明尼苏达大学在1944年至1952年之间确诊的426个乳腺癌先证者的历史队列。通过电话采访和邮寄的问卷调查(1991-1996年)确定了姐妹,女儿,孙女,侄女和结婚的癌症发生率和危险因素的测量。使用Cox比例风险回归方法(包括年龄,出生队列,成人体重指数和家庭聚类)来评估乳腺癌的相对风险(RR)和95%置信区间。结果:在4,632名可供分析的女性中,175名罹患乳腺癌。在426个家庭中,在12岁时体重均高于平均水平的先证者的姐妹和女儿与在12岁时体重均低于平均水平的先证者的姐妹和女儿相比,患乳腺癌的风险增加(RR = 2.75; 1.07-7.05),而在12岁时,孙女和侄女的体重均高于平均水平(RR = 1.47; 0.54-4.02)。相比之下,在结婚者中,年龄在12岁以上且体重高于平均水平的女性患乳腺癌的风险较低(RR = 0.47; 0.17-1.27),并且与先证者的亲戚关系程度和相对体重在12岁之间的相互作用测试患乳腺癌的风险具有统计学意义(p = 0.002)。绝经前(p = 0.08)和绝经后(p = 0.02)乳腺癌的风险均具有明显的相互作用。与先证者的关系程度与身高(p = 0.55),18岁时的体重(p = 0.22)或18岁时的体重指数(p = 0.63)之间没有重要的乳腺癌相互作用风险。以改善青春期肥胖症对随后患乳腺癌的风险的影响,并可能确定不同的病因学途径。



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