
The Tropics in Paleoclimate


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The past decade saw a surge ill interest in the role of the Tropics in paleoclimate changes. This was motivated by the emergence of outstanding questions in paleoclimate that pointed to a role for the Tropics in addition to advances in tropical climate dynamics. This article reviews these developments, starting from a historical perspective. Three properties of tropical dynamics are prominent in paleoclimate: the sensitivity of the tropical climate to change; the ability of the tropical climate to reorganize; and the ability of the tropical climate to project its influence globally. The El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) system exemplifies these properties, making ENSO particularly prominent in paleoclimate. Summaries of three paleoclimate cases in which the science developed over the past decade-mid-Holocene ENSO, abrupt climate change during the most recent glacial period,and the mid-Pliocene permanent El Nino scenario-illustrate how the tropical hypothesis worked its way into paleoclimate research. This review closes with a discussion of prevailing views of the Tropics in the paleoclimate changes.
机译:在过去的十年中,人们对热带地区在古气候变化中的作用兴趣激增。这是由于在古气候中出现了一些悬而未决的问题,这些问题指出了热带地区除了热带气候动态方面的作用外,还发挥了作用。本文从历史的角度出发回顾了这些发展。在古气候中,热带动力学的三个特征是突出的:热带气候对变化的敏感性;热带气候重组的能力;以及热带气候在全球范围内影响其影响的能力。 El Nino-Southern Oscillation(ENSO)系统体现了这些特性,使ENSO在古气候中尤为突出。在过去十年中科学发展的三个古气候案例的总结:全新世ENSO,最近冰川期的突然气候变化以及上新世中期永久性El Nino情景,说明了热带假说如何进入古气候。研究。本文以古气候变化中热带地区的主流观点作为讨论的结尾。



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