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Tracking and decomposing health and disease inequality in Thailand.


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PURPOSE: In middle-income countries, interest in the study of inequalities in health has focused on aggregate types of health outcomes, like rates of mortality. This work moves beyond such measures to focus on disease-specific health outcomes with the use of national health survey data. METHODS: Cross-sectional data from the national Health and Welfare Survey 2003, covering 52,030 adult aged 15 or older, were analyzed. The health outcomes were the 20 most commonly reported diseases. The age-sex adjusted concentration index (C *) of ill health was used as a measure of socioeconomic health inequality (values ranging from -1 to +1). A negative (or positive) concentration index shows that a disease was more concentrated among the less well off (or better off). Crude concentration indices (C) for four of the most common diseases were also decomposed to quantify determinants of inequalities. RESULTS: Several diseases, such as malaria (C * = -0.462), goiter (C * = -0.352), kidney stone (C * = -0.261), and tuberculosis (C * = -0.233), were strongly concentrated among those with lower incomes, whereas allergic conditions (C * = 0.174) and migraine (C * = 0.085) were disproportionately reported by the better off. Inequalities were found to be associated with older age, low education, and residence in the rural Northeast and rural North of Thailand. CONCLUSIONS: Pro-equity health policy in Thailand and other middle-income countries with health surveys can now be informed by national data combining epidemiological, socioeconomic and health statistics in ways not previously possible.
机译:目的:在中等收入国家,对健康不平等问题的研究兴趣集中在总体健康结果类型上,例如死亡率。这项工作超越了此类措施,而是通过使用国家健康调查数据来关注针对特定疾病的健康结果。方法:分析了2003年国家卫生和福利调查的横断面数据,涵盖了52030名15岁或以上的成年人。健康结果是最常报告的20种疾病。使用年龄性别调整后的健康不良集中指数(C *)作为衡量社会经济健康不平等的指标(值范围为-1至+1)。负(或正)集中度指数表明,疾病在较富裕(或较富裕)中集中较多。还对四种最常见疾病的粗浓度指数(C)进行了分解,以量化不平等的决定因素。结果:疟疾(C * = -0.462),甲状腺肿(C * = -0.352),肾结石(C * = -0.261)和结核病(C * = -0.233)等几种疾病高度集中在这些疾病中收入较低的人,而富裕人群不成比例地报告了过敏性疾病(C * = 0.174)和偏头痛(C * = 0.085)。发现不平等与年龄较大,受教育程度低以及在泰国东北部农村和泰国北部农村居住有关。结论:泰国和其他进行健康调查的中等收入国家的平等保健政策现在可以通过国家数据结合流行病学,社会经济和健康统计数据,以以前不可能的方式获得。



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