首页> 外文期刊>Spectrochimica acta, Part A. Molecular and biomolecular spectroscopy >An innovative non-targeted control system based on NIR spectral information for detecting non-compliant batches of sweet almonds

An innovative non-targeted control system based on NIR spectral information for detecting non-compliant batches of sweet almonds


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Nowadays, there is growing awareness about the need to develop new methodologies to fight against deliberate fraud. This study explored the use of near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) as an instantaneous, non-targeted method for detecting non-compliant products; in this case, when used to detect sweet almond batches adulterated with bitter almonds. For this purpose, we simulated the adulteration of batches by preparing four different types of mixed samples which contained 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% of bitter almonds, respectively, using 90 samples of sweet almonds and 50 samples of bitter almonds. For each of the adulteration percentages, 21 samples were produced. The samples were analysed using the Aurora and the Matrix-F spectrophotometers. The procedure initially constructed the desired standard or target using only the spectral information provided by the sweet almond population (control population). To achieve this, after principal components analysis, the spectral warning and action limits were calculated using the n-dimensional statistic Mahalanobis global distance. Next, the spectral distances from the product standard defined for those samples not belonging to the control population, including the adulterated sweet almonds, were calculated and represented as Shewhart control charts. The implementation of NIRS technology throughout the almond supply chain enabled to identify 87% (73/84) of the adulterated sweet almond batches. These findings suggest that NIRS technology and the use of spectral distances could enable to establish an innovative, non-targeted control system based only on spectral information to assess almond batches. This system allows to carry out conformity tests both in situ and online of the batches of almonds received and processed in the industry, as well as establishing fast, cost-efficient antifraud alert systems, which would help to reduce the number of batches to be analysed by expensive and time-consuming confirmatory methods. (C) 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:如今,人们越来越意识到需要开发新的方法来打击蓄意欺诈。本研究探索了近红外光谱(NIRS)作为检测不合格产品的瞬时、非目标方法的使用;在这种情况下,当用于检测掺有苦杏仁的甜杏仁批次时。为此,我们用90个甜杏仁样品和50个苦杏仁样品制备了四种不同类型的混合样品,分别含有5%、10%、15%和20%的苦杏仁,模拟了批次的掺假。对于每一个掺假百分比,生产了21个样品。使用Aurora和Matrix-F分光光度计对样品进行分析。该程序最初仅使用甜杏仁群体(对照群体)提供的光谱信息构建所需的标准或目标。为了实现这一点,在主成分分析后,使用n维统计马氏全球距离计算光谱警告和行动限制。接下来,对不属于对照群体的样品(包括掺假甜杏仁)与产品标准的光谱距离进行计算,并用休哈特控制图表示。在整个杏仁供应链中实施NIRS技术,能够识别87%(73/84)的掺假甜杏仁批次。这些发现表明,近红外光谱技术和光谱距离的使用可以建立一个创新的、非针对性的控制系统,仅基于光谱信息来评估杏仁批次。该系统允许对该行业接收和加工的杏仁批次进行现场和在线一致性测试,并建立快速、经济高效的反欺诈警报系统,这将有助于减少通过昂贵且耗时的确认方法分析的批次数量。(C) 2020爱思唯尔B.V.版权所有。



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