首页> 外文期刊>Antenna >Western corn rootworm: Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) resistance to Bt maize and crop rotation: management ciiallenges and opportunities

Western corn rootworm: Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) resistance to Bt maize and crop rotation: management ciiallenges and opportunities

机译:西部玉米根虫:杂种夜蛾(Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte(鞘翅目:菊科))对Bt玉米和作物轮作的抗性:管理优势和机遇

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The western corn rootwoorm, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte, is one of the world’s most significant insect pests of maize affecting the profitabiUty of farmers in Europe and the United States (Gray et al.2009}. In 1964, the western corn rootworm entered Illinois as it migrated eastward across the United States Corn Belt. In 1992, this destructive insect was discovered in Europe within a maize field near the Belgrade Airport, Serbia (Baca 1993]. Entomologists have speculated that western cornrootworms likely arrived in Serbia in the mid-1980s. The distribution of western corn rootworms across Europe now includes more than 20 countries (Kiss et al. 2005]. Initially, within the United States, rotation of maize with soybean was effective in reducing the economic threat of this pest. Currently, this cultural strategy (crop rotation) still provides control of western cornm rootworms in the western Corn Belt [e.g., Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota] and throughout infested countries of Europe.
机译:西部玉米根系昆虫Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte是影响欧洲和美国农民盈利能力的世界上最重要的玉米害虫之一(Gray等,2009)。1964年,西部玉米根系蠕虫以在1992年,这种破坏性昆虫在欧洲的塞尔维亚贝尔格莱德机场附近的玉米田中被发现(Baca,1993年)。昆虫学家推测,西部玉米根虫很可能在1980年代中期到达塞尔维亚。目前,西方玉米根虫在欧洲的分布范围已超过20个国家(Kiss等,2005)。最初,在美国,玉米与大豆轮作可以有效地减少这种病虫害的经济威胁。策略(轮作)仍可控制西部玉米带(例如,堪萨斯州,内布拉斯加州,南达科他州)以及整个欧盟受感染国家的西部玉米根虫绳。



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