首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Service Theory and Practice >Comparing benefit- and attribute-based menu assortments: an exploratory study

Comparing benefit- and attribute-based menu assortments: an exploratory study


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Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to examine the joint effects of menu pages (single page vs multiple pages) and assortment organization (benefit- vs attribute-based) on consumers' perceptions of variety with large assortments. Design/methodology/approach - A 2 (assortment structure: single page vs multiple pages)×2 (assortment organization: benefit- vs attribute-based) experimental between-subjects design was used to test the hypotheses. Findings - The results suggest that with a one-page tea menu, participants perceived greater variety with the attribute-based (e.g. black teas, herbal teas, green teas, and oolong teas) menu than with the (e.g. energy-boosting, stress-relief,weight loss, and immune system-improvement) benefit-basedmenu. Conversely, when the menu was displayed on four pages, participants showed similar perceptions of variety across the two menu types. Research limitations/implications - In some contexts, 20 menu items may not be considered a large assortment. Also, the authors did not test consumers' preexisting preferences. Practical implications - When food service operators offer an extensive benefit-based menu, it is advisable to place the options over multiple pages. If the menu needs to be displayed on a single spatial unit (e.g. a black board, or applications on a tablet or smartphone), practitioners should organize the menu based on attributes rather than benefits. Originality/value - Although the demand for healthy dining options has led many foodservice operators to apply benefit-based organization to items on their menus, for example, by using terms such as "energyboosting," "stress-relief," "weight-loss," and "immune system-improvement," little is known about the effectiveness of such a strategy.



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