首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Social Psychology >Can success deflect racism? Clothing and perceptions of African American men

Can success deflect racism? Clothing and perceptions of African American men

机译:成功偏转种族主义吗? 非洲裔美国人的服装和看法

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We examined the effect of different clothing styles on the perceptions of African American men. Using a between-group design, we tested whether participants perception of African American models wearing sweatpants and sweatshirts ("swagger"), clothing showing they won an event, or formal clothing, would vary. Participants (N = 143) viewed four African American models in one of three conditions. Multivariate analyses of covariance (MANCOVA) with Symbolic Racism Scale scores as a covariate revealed that participants rated models in Formal clothing significantly higher than models in winning clothing in intelligence,p<.001, trustworthiness,p<.001, and warmthp=.005. Models wearing formal clothing or winning clothing were also rated significantly higher than models wearing swagger clothing on several traits. Participant's Symbolic Racism Score significantly affected their ratings of models. Results suggest that the clothing that an African American wears, as well as viewer prejudice, affects the impression that the viewer makes.



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