首页> 外文期刊>Journal of psychoeducational assessment >To Screen or not to Screen: Criterion-Related Validity of Math and Reading Curriculum-Based Measurement in Relation to High-Stakes Math Scores

To Screen or not to Screen: Criterion-Related Validity of Math and Reading Curriculum-Based Measurement in Relation to High-Stakes Math Scores


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This study analyzed the relationship between benchmark scores from the newly published Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills Math (i.e., Acadience?) math probes and student performance on math and reading sections of a state-mandated high-stakes test. Participants were 420 students enrolled in third, fourth, and fifth grades in a rural southeastern school district. Specific to this study was the calculation of the predictive validity of benchmark scores obtained in the spring from curriculum-based measurement probes measuring math computation, math application skills, and reading ability. Results of the study suggest that math application probes have strong predictive validity. The study also provides evidence that even at early grades the skill of reading is associated with performance on a high-stakes math test. The study provides some evidence that calculation skills are needed, but do not account for as much of the variance as reading ability does in grades as low as third grade. Implications for practice are discussed as it relates to multiple gating screening procedures at the elementary level.



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