首页> 外文期刊>Annals of the Entomological Society of America >An integrative approach to the taxonomy of Oenopiella Bergroth (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae: Pentatominae: Carpocorini) with the description of two new species from Argentina and southern Brazil.

An integrative approach to the taxonomy of Oenopiella Bergroth (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae: Pentatominae: Carpocorini) with the description of two new species from Argentina and southern Brazil.

机译:一种综合的方法,用于分类描述茄属植物(Oenopiella Bergroth)(半翅目:异翅类:五翅目:五翅目:五翅目:Carpocorini),并描述了来自阿根廷和巴西南部的两个新物种。

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"Integrative taxonomy" is a conceptual multisource approach in which the nomination of a species is considered as a hypothesis subject to evaluation through different empirical evidence. In this study, we followed a hypothesis-driven approach, where a set of specimens are used to test previous hypotheses about the existence of species. Thus, Oenopiella Bergroth is revised, based on morphology with emphasis on the genitalia of both sexes. Oenopiella unidentata Spinola, Oenopiella punctaria Stal, and Oenopiella pallidula Stal are redescribed and illustrated, and two new species are described, Oenopiella ventanensis Grazia sp. nov. from Argentina and Oenopiella flonensis Fernandez-Aldea sp. nov. from southern Brazil. A key to separate the species is provided. The reliability of O. punctaria and O. unidentata is evaluated through a reanalysis of their morphological characters, by exploring differences in qualitative and quantitative morphologic characteristics. All lines of evidence support these species hypotheses.
机译:“综合分类法”是一种概念上的多来源方法,其中将一个物种的提名视为一个假设,并通过不同的经验证据对其进行评估。在这项研究中,我们遵循了假设驱动的方法,其中使用一组标本来检验有关物种存在的先前假设。因此,Oenopiella Bergroth根据形态进行了修订,重点是两性生殖器。重新描述并说明了Oenopiella unidentata Spinola,Penoctaria punctaria Stal和苍白Oenopiella pallidula Stal,并描述了两个新物种,即Oenopiella ventanensis Grazia sp。十一月来自阿根廷和佛罗里达州的Oenopiella flonensis Fernandez-Aldea sp.。十一月来自巴西南部。提供了区分物种的钥匙。通过对定形和定量形态特征的差异进行重新分析,可以评估点状和不定形的可靠性。所有证据都支持这些物种假说。



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