首页> 外文期刊>Andrologia >Role of testicular tissue telomerase assay for the prediction of the presence of testicular spermatozoa in azoospermic men with varicoceles, pre- and post-varicocelectomy.

Role of testicular tissue telomerase assay for the prediction of the presence of testicular spermatozoa in azoospermic men with varicoceles, pre- and post-varicocelectomy.


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Summary. We evaluated the reproductive potential of frozen/thawed testicular spermatozoa of azoospermic men with left varicocele. The role of testicular tissue telomerase assay (TTA) in the prediction of the presence of testicular spermatozoa pre- and post-varicocelectomy was investigated, as well. Therapeutic testicular biopsy and TTA were performed in 82 nonobstructed azoospermic (NOA) men with varicoceles. Testicular spermatozoa were found in 33 men and processed for cryopreservation. Oocytes were later recovered from the spouses of the latter azoospermic men with varicoceles and injected with frozen/thawed testicular spermatozoa. Among the 49 men who were negative for testicular spermatozoa, 22 men underwent subsequently subinguinal microsurgical varicocelectomy. A total of 198 mature oocytes were successfully injected and 101 were normally fertilized and subsequently cleaved. Transfer of these 101 embryos in 26 women resulted in nine full-term pregnancies. Thirteen healthy babies were delivered. Acut-off value of TTA of 39 TPG U microg(-1) protein had an overall diagnostic accuracy equal to 90.2% to predict the presence of testicular spermatozoa pre-varicocelectomy. Within the group of men who were negative for testicular spermatozoa a cut-off value of TTA equal to 28 TPG U microg(-1) protein (pre-varicocelectomy) had a 84.2 % diagnostic accuracy to recognize the men who would become positive for either ejaculated or testicular spermatozoa post-varicocelectomy. Testicular spermatozoa can be found in 40% of NOA men with left varicocele. Ooplasmic injections with frozen/thawed testicular spermatozoa have a role in the therapeutic management of non-obstructive azoospermia associated with varicocele. Pre-varicocelectomy, a TTA cut-off value equal to 39 TPG U microg(-1) protein has a 90.2% diagnostic accuracy to indicate the men positiveegative for testicular spermatozoa. In addition, pre-varicocelectomy, a cut-off value equal to 28 TPG U microg(-1) protein has a 84.2% diagnostic accuracy to identify those men with varicoceles without testicular spermatozoa, who will become positiveegative for spermatozoa (either ejaculated or testicular) post-varicocelectomy.
机译:概要。我们评估了左精索静脉曲张无精症男性的冷冻/解冻睾丸精子的繁殖潜力。还研究了睾丸组织端粒酶测定法(TTA)在精索静脉曲张切除术前后精液存在的预测中的作用。对82名无精索静脉曲张的无阻塞无精子症(NOA)男性进行了睾丸活检和TTA治疗。在33名男子中发现了睾丸精子,并进行了冷冻保存。后来从后无精症男性精索静脉曲张的配偶中恢复卵母细胞,并注射冷冻/解冻的睾丸精子。在49名睾丸精子阴性的男性中,有22名男性随后接受了龈下切除术。总共成功注射了198个成熟卵母细胞,并正常受精了101个卵母细胞,随后进行了切割。这些26名妇女的101个胚胎的转移导致9次足月妊娠。分娩了13名健康婴儿。 39 TPG U microg(-1)蛋白的TTA临界值具有等于90.2%的整体诊断准确度,可以预测睾丸精子前精索静脉曲张切除术的存在。在睾丸精子阴性的男性人群中,TTA的临界值等于28 TPG U microg(-1)蛋白(精索静脉曲张切除术)具有84.2%的诊断准确率,可以识别出其中任一者都呈阳性的男性精索静脉曲张切除术后射精或睾丸精子。在40%的NOA左精索静脉曲张男性中可发现睾丸精子。冷冻/解冻的睾丸精子的卵质注射在精索静脉曲张相关的非阻塞性无精子症的治疗管理中发挥作用。精索静脉曲张切除术,TTA临界值等于39 TPG U microg(-1)蛋白,具有90.2%的诊断准确率,可指示男性睾丸精子阳性/阴性。此外,精索静脉曲张切除术的临界值等于28 TPG U microg(-1),具有84.2%的诊断准确率,可以识别那些没有睾丸精子的精索静脉曲张的男性,这些男性会变成精子阳性/阴性(射精)或睾丸切除术)。



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