首页> 外文期刊>Journal of health politics, policy and law >Shaping Health Policy for Low-Income Populations: An Assessment of Public Comments in a New Medicaid Waiver Process

Shaping Health Policy for Low-Income Populations: An Assessment of Public Comments in a New Medicaid Waiver Process


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Since the Supreme Court decided that the Affordable Care Act's ( ACA) Medicaid expansion is optional for the states, several have obtained federal approval to use Section 1115 waivers to expand Medicaid while changing its coverage and benefits design. There has long been concern that policy making for Medicaid populations may lack meaningful engagement with low-income constituents, and therefore the ACA established a new process under which the public can submit comments on pending Medicaid waiver applications. We analyzed 291 comment letters submitted to federal regulators pertaining to Medicaid Section 1115 waiver applications in the first five states to seek such waivers: Arkansas, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. We found that individual citizens, including those who identified as Medicaid-eligible, submitted a sizable majority of the comment letters. Comment letters tended to mention controversial provisions of the waivers and reflected the competing political rhetoric of "personal responsibility" versus "vulnerable populations." Despite the fact that the federal government seemed likely to approve the waiver applications, we found robust public engagement, reflecting the salience of the issue of Medicaid expansion under the ACA. Our findings are consistent with the argument that Medicaid is a program of growing centrality in US health politics.
机译:由于最高法院裁定,《平价医疗法案》(Affordable Care Act,简称ACA)的医疗补助扩展对各州而言是可选的,因此有几项已经获得联邦批准,可以使用第1115节豁免来扩展医疗补助,同时改变其覆盖范围和福利设计。长期以来,人们一直担心,针对医疗补助人口的政策制定可能缺乏与低收入选民的有意义的接触,因此,ACA建立了一个新的流程,公众可以根据该流程提交对待决医疗补助豁免申请的评论。我们分析了前五个州(阿肯色州、印第安纳州、爱荷华州、密歇根州和宾夕法尼亚州)提交给联邦监管机构的291封有关医疗补助第1115节豁免申请的评论信,以寻求此类豁免。我们发现,个人公民,包括那些被认定为符合医疗补助资格的人,提交了相当大比例的评论信。评论信往往提到有争议的豁免条款,反映了“个人责任”与“弱势群体”之间相互竞争的政治论调尽管联邦政府似乎可能会批准豁免申请,但我们发现公众的积极参与,反映了ACA下医疗补助扩展问题的突出性。我们的发现与“医疗补助计划”在美国卫生政治中的中心地位日益增强的观点一致。



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