首页> 外文期刊>Annals of Tropical Paediatrics >Comparative trial of short-course ofloxacin for uncomplicated typhoid fever in Vietnamese children.

Comparative trial of short-course ofloxacin for uncomplicated typhoid fever in Vietnamese children.


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An open, randomised comparison of 2 or 3 days of oral ofloxacin (10 mg/kg/day) for uncomplicated typhoid fever was conducted in 235 Vietnamese children. Multi-drug-resistant Salmonella typhi was isolated from 182/202 (90%) children and 5/166 (3%) tested isolates were nalidixic acid-resistant (Na(R)). Eighty-nine of 116 children randomised to 2 days and 107/119 randomised to 3 days were blood culture-positive and eligible for analysis. There were 12 (13.5%) failures in the 2-day group (six clinical failures, four blood culture-positive post treatment, two relapses) compared with eight (7.5%) failures in the 3-day group (four clinical failures, one blood culture-positive post treatment, three relapses) (OR 1.9, 95% CI 0.7-5.5,p = 0.17). There were no significant differences in the mean (95% confidence interval) fever clearance times (h) [92 (82-102) vs 101 (93-110), p = 0.18] or duration of hospitalisation (d) [7.6 (7.2-8.1) vs 8.0 (7.6-8.4), p = 0.19] between the two groups. There was one failure in thefour eligible children infected with an Na(R) isolate of S. typhi. No adverse events were attributable to the ofloxacin. These results extend previous observations on the efficacy of short courses of ofloxacin for children with uncomplicated multi-drug-resistant typhoid fever.
机译:在235名越南儿童中,对2或3天口服氧氟沙星(10 mg / kg /天)进行了无并发症伤寒的开放式随机比较。从182/202(90%)儿童中分离出了多药性伤寒沙门氏菌,经测试的5/166(3%)分离株具有耐萘啶酸的能力。 116名随机分配至2天的儿童中有89名儿童,随机分配至3天的107/119名儿童血培养阳性,可以进行分析。 2天组有12例(13.5%)失败(六例临床失败,四次血培养阳性后治疗,两次复发),而3天组八例(7.5%)失败(四例临床失败,一例)治疗后血液培养阳性,三期复发(OR 1.9,95%CI 0.7-5.5,p = 0.17)。平均(95%置信区间)发烧清除时间(h)[92(82-102)与101(93-110),p = 0.18]或住院时间(d)[7.6(7.2)没有显着差异。 -8.1)vs 8.0(7.6-8.4),两组之间p = 0.19]。感染伤寒沙门氏菌的四个合格儿童中有一个失败。没有不良事件可归因于氧氟沙星。这些结果扩展了以往关于氧氟沙星短期疗程对单纯性多重耐药性伤寒儿童疗效的观察结果。



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