首页> 外文期刊>Annals of Tropical Paediatrics >Feasibility, acceptability and cost of kangaroo mother care in Recife, Brazil.

Feasibility, acceptability and cost of kangaroo mother care in Recife, Brazil.


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This descriptive study on kangaroo mother care (KMC) of low-birthweight infants (LBWIs) was carried out in a tertiary care hospital in Recife, Brazil. Of 244 LBWIs weighing less than 1750 g admitted over 14 months, 112 (46%) died before inclusion, 18 (7%) were excluded, and 114 (47%), after stabilization, were cared for by KMC 24 hours a day until discharge. No deaths were recorded in hospital; two twins died of severe pneumonia after discharge and before the age of 3 months. There were no episodes of moderate or severe hypothermia but mild hypothermia (36-36.4 degrees C axillary temperature) occurred at a rate of 30 episodes per 100 infant days, mainly related to occasional separation from the mother. One hundred infants (88%) were discharged on exclusive breastfeeding, eight (7%) were still taking expressed breast-milk from a cup and six (5%) were being fed breast-milk plus formula. The mean daily weight gain during KMC was 15 g. At follow-up, 87% were still exclusively breastfed at 1 month and 63% at 3 months. KMC was acceptable to mothers and staff. An important advantage of KMC over previous conventional care is cost--US
机译:这项关于低出生体重婴儿(LBWI)的袋鼠母亲护理(KMC)的描述性研究是在巴西累西腓的一家三级护理医院进行的。在14个月内入院的244名体重不足1750 g的LBWI中,有112名(46%)在被纳入之前死亡,被排除在外的有18名(7%),并且在稳定后有114名(47%)由KMC每天24小时进行护理,直到卸货。医院没有死亡的记录;两名双胞胎出院后和3个月大之前死于严重的肺炎。没有中度或重度体温过低的发作,但轻度体温过低(36-36.4°C腋窝温度)的发生率为每100婴儿日30次发作,主要与偶尔与母亲分居有关。仅有纯母乳喂养的婴儿有100名(88%),有8名(7%)仍从杯子中摄取了表达的母乳,有6名(5%)的母乳加了配方奶。 KMC期间平均每日体重增加15 g。随访时,仍然有87%的婴儿在1个月时纯母乳喂养,而63%的婴儿在3个月时纯母乳喂养。 KMC为母亲和员工所接受。与以前的常规护理相比,KMC的一个重要优势是成本-美国



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