首页> 外文期刊>Anatomy and embryology >Histogenesis of the oropharyngeal cavity taste buds and the relevant nerves and brain centers in substrate-brooding and mouth-brooding cichlid fish (Cichlidae, Teleostei).

Histogenesis of the oropharyngeal cavity taste buds and the relevant nerves and brain centers in substrate-brooding and mouth-brooding cichlid fish (Cichlidae, Teleostei).


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This study follows the histogenesis of the oropharyngeal cavity taste buds, along with the development of the relevant neural centers and gustatory nerves, in two cichlid species: the substrate-brooding Cichlasoma cyanoguttatum and the mouth-brooding Astatotilapia flavijosephi, from fertilization to 20-day-old juveniles, grown at a temperature of 26 degrees C. Significant differences in pace of development were shown between the two social types: Substrate-brooders complete embryogenesis and hatch 48 h after fertilization (HAF) and begin to swim 120 HAF, with the yolk sac disappearing 160 HAF, whereas mouth-brooders hatch 84 HAF and begin to swim 196 HAF, with the yolk sac disappearing 360 HAF. Histogenesis of primordial taste buds occurs 75 HAF and 160 HAF in C. cyanoguttatum and A. flavijosephi, respectively. Accordingly, the related sensory ganglia and nerves (VII, IX, and X) develop much earlier in the substrate-brooded larvae and postlarvae. Nerve and brain development in juvenile A. flavijosephi of 13 mm total length (TL) closely resemble those of 8-mm-TL C. cyanoguttatum. These differences in development continue throughout the early stages of growth. Similar differences are observed in the ripening and increase in number of taste buds and dentition on the jaws and pharyngeal bones. The possible triggers and causes of such differences in development, as well as the inductors of taste bud development, are discussed.
机译:这项研究追踪了两个丽鱼科鱼的口咽腔味蕾的组织发生以及相关神经中枢和味觉神经的发育:从受精到第20天,底物繁殖的Cichlasoma cyanoguttatum和口繁殖的黄曲霉年龄较大的幼虫,生长在26摄氏度的温度下。两种社交类型之间的发育速度存在显着差异:底物育雏者完成了胚胎发生并在受精(HAF)后48小时孵化,开始游泳120 HAF,卵黄囊消失160 HAF,而育雏者孵出84 HAF,开始游泳196 HAF,卵黄囊消失360 HAF。原始味蕾的组织发生分别在C. cyanoguttatum和A. flavijosephi中出现在75 HAF和160 HAF处。因此,相关的感觉神经节和神经(VII,IX和X)在底物繁殖的幼虫和后幼虫中发育得更早。总长(mm)为13毫米的少年黄曲霉的神经和大脑发育与蓝藻的8毫米极相似。在发展的早期阶段,这些发展差异一直持续。在成熟和下颚和咽骨上的味蕾和齿列数量增加方面也观察到类似的差异。讨论了这种发展差异的可能诱因和原因,以及味蕾发展的诱因。



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