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Disease predispositions in dogs and cats: the fuller story


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Companion animals are often bred according to the whims and needs of mankind rather than following the harsh survival rules of natural selection. It is widely accepted that almost all dog and cat breeds have specific diseases to which they are particularly prone (ie. predisposed). Consequently, breed-related disease has become an important anthropogenic-welfare issue and it behoves everyone with an interest in companion animals to strive to reduce these welfare costs.Domestic dogs and cats have become integral parts of modern human family life. Dog and cat populations in the UK are each estimated at around eight to 10 million animals (Murray et al, 2010; Asher et al, 2011; PFMA, 2012), with 24-31% of UK households estimated to own at least one dog (Asher et al, 2011; Murray et al, 2010). Humans have expressed their 'love' of these species by selecting for specific favoured characteristics that have led to over 400 unique dog breeds and 70 cat breeds. In the UK, 80%of dogs and 10% of cats are now purebreds (O'Neill et al, 2014b; O'Neill et al, 2014a). The benefits of dog and cat ownership are well known, and include both physical (Ownby et al, 2002; Friedmann and Son, 2009) and psychological gains (Virues-Ortega and Buela-Casal, 2006; Walsh, 2009). However, man has progressively played with the shape of the modern dog such that the dog is now the most phenotypically diverse mammal at a species level (Wayne et al, 2006) and it is increasingly questioned whether modern-breed selection towards extremes of conformation have allowed dog health and welfare to derive comparable benefits (McGreevy and Nicholas, 1999; Rooney, 2009). Each of the 50 most popular breeds in the UK has at least one reported conformational predisposition to disease (Asheret al, 2009) and almost 400 non-conformational inherited disorders have been identified (Summers et al, 2010). The debate over the health impacts from man's manipulation with dog breeds came to a head in 2008 when the BBC aired a documentary called Pedigree Dogs Exposed that claimed purebred dog health was deteriorating to an unacceptable level because of man's desire for the 'perfect' dog (BBC, 2008). Three major reports followed that all concurred that pedigree-breeding practices did impose welfare costs on dogs but, more crucially, concluded that critical data gaps existed on disorder prevalence and that these gaps were constraining effective reforms (Bateson, 2010, Rooney and Sargan, 2008; APGAW, 2009). At that time, prevalence data had been published on only 1 % of inherited disorders affecting popular UK dog breeds (Collins et al, 2011). Essentially, 'believing' that a problem exists and having 'evidence' for what that problem may be, are two very different things; and optimal progress to resolve any issue should be based on evidence rather than opinion.
机译:伴生动物通常是根据人类的突发奇想和需求而饲养的,而不是遵循自然选择的严酷生存规则。人们普遍认为,几乎所有的狗和猫品种都有它们特别容易感染的特定疾病(即易感疾病)。因此,与品种相关的疾病已成为一个重要的人类福利问题,每个对伴侣动物感兴趣的人都有义务努力降低这些福利成本。家养的狗和猫已经成为现代人类家庭生活不可或缺的一部分。据估计,英国的狗和猫的数量分别约为800万至1000万只(Murray等人,2010年;Asher等人,2011年;PFMA,2012年),估计有24-31%的英国家庭至少拥有一只狗(Asher等人,2011年;Murray等人,2010年)。人类通过选择特定的偏好特征来表达对这些物种的“爱”,这些特征导致了400多个独特的狗品种和70多个猫品种。在英国,80%的狗和10%的猫现在是纯种狗(O’Neill等人,2014b;O’Neill等人,2014a)。养狗和养猫的好处是众所周知的,包括身体(Ownby等人,2002年;Friedmann和Son,2009年)和心理收益(Virues Ortega和Buela Casal,2006年;Walsh,2009年)。然而,人类已经逐渐适应了现代狗的形状,因此狗现在是物种水平上最具表型多样性的哺乳动物(Wayne等人,2006年),人们越来越质疑,现代品种选择是否让狗的健康和福利获得了可比的好处(McGreevy和Nicholas,1999年;Rooney,2009年)。英国50个最受欢迎的品种中的每一个都至少有一个已知的疾病构象易感性(Asheret al,2009),并且已经确定了近400个非构象遗传性疾病(Summers et al,2010)。2008年,英国广播公司播出了一部名为《暴露纯种狗》的纪录片,声称由于人类对“完美”狗的渴望,纯种狗的健康状况正在恶化到一个不可接受的水平,关于人类操纵狗品种对健康的影响的辩论达到了高潮(英国广播公司,2008年)。随后的三份主要报告一致认为,纯种繁殖做法确实会给狗带来福利成本,但更重要的是,它们得出结论,在疾病患病率方面存在关键数据缺口,这些缺口制约着有效的改革(Bateson,2010年,鲁尼和萨根,2008年;APGAW,2009年)。当时,只有1%的影响英国流行犬种的遗传性疾病的患病率数据被公布(Collins等人,2011年)。本质上,“相信”一个问题的存在,以及有“证据”证明这个问题可能是什么,是两件截然不同的事情;解决任何问题的最佳进展都应该基于证据而不是观点。



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