首页> 外文期刊>Animal Reproduction Science >Effects of lactation, energetic deficit and remating interval on reproductive performance of primiparous rabbit does.

Effects of lactation, energetic deficit and remating interval on reproductive performance of primiparous rabbit does.


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151 female rabbits were assigned at their first parturition (day 0) to 1 of 3 treatment groups (A, non-lactating does and ad lib. feeding; R, non-lactating does and restricted feeding, L: lactating does and ad lib. feeding). 18 additional females were slaughtered at parturition. Experimental females were presented to the male on days 3 (groups A3, L3 and R3 groups, n = 25, 26 and 26 respectively) or 10 (A10, L10 and R10 groups, n = 25, 25 and 24) and were slaughtered on day 28 after parturition. Compared with does slaughtered on day 0, adipose tissues were lighter in weight in L (-66%) and R (-32%) females whereas they were heavier in A females (+40%; P<0.01). It is suggested that the L and R females were in energy deficit. Receptivity (80 vs. 98%) and conception rate (51 vs. 83%) were lower in L than in A females (P<0.01) regardless of the day of male presentation. Ovulation rate (-14%) and conception rate (-26%) were lower in R3 than in A3 does (P<0.05). Ovulation rate was 24% lower in the L10than in the A10 group (P<0.01). The uterine contents were lighter (by 25%) in L and R than in A does (P < 0.001) regardless of the day of male presentation. It is suggested that the energy deficit associated with milk production can partly explain the negative influence of lactation on reproductive performance.
机译:将151只雌性兔子在第一次分娩时(第0天)分配给3个治疗组中的1个(A,不泌乳和随意喂养; R,不泌乳和限制性喂养,L:泌乳和随意喂养。喂养)。分娩时还杀死了18名女性。实验雌性在第3天(A3,L3和R3组,n = 25、26和26)或第10天(A10,L10和R10组,n = 25、25和24)出现在雄性上,并在分娩后第28天。与在第0天宰杀的相比,L(-66%)和R(-32%)雌性的脂肪组织重量更轻,而A雌性的脂肪组织更重(+ 40%; P <0.01)。建议左和右雌性能量不足。 L的接受度(80%对98%)和受孕率(51%对83%)均低于A女性(P <0.01),而与男性表现的天数无关。 R3的排卵率(-14%)和受孕率(-26%)均低于A3(P <0.05)。 L10的排卵率比A10组低24%(P <0.01)。不论男性出诊的天数,L和R的子宫含量都比A的要轻(25%)(P <0.001)。建议与牛奶生产相关的能量不足可以部分解释泌乳对生殖性能的负面影响。



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