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Knowledge and adoption by the rice growers about recommended rice production technology.


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The study was conducted purposively in Hoshangabad district due to maximum area and production of rice. This district comprises seven blocks out of which Bavai block was purposively selected because it has the largest area under irrigated rice crop as compared to other blocks. The sample drawn was of 100 respondents. The data were collected through a well-structured and pre-tested interview schedule. This study included practices like field preparation, deep summer ploughing, improved varieties, time of sowing/transplanting, optimum seed rate, seed treatment with fungicides. method of transplanting, recommended row to row spacing, depth of transplanting of seedlings, irrigation management, methods of weed control, insect control, proper time of harvesting, methods of harvesting, winnowing and storage, whereas partial knowledge was found in the case of seed treatment with culture, organic manuring, recommended dose of chemical fertilizers, use of bio-fertilizers, use of micronutrients, use of weedicides, IPM, IDM, disease control, biological control of insects and diseases.



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