首页> 外文期刊>Behavioural Brain Research: An International Journal >Water maze versus radial maze: differential performance of rats in a spatial delayed match-to-position task and response to scopolamine.

Water maze versus radial maze: differential performance of rats in a spatial delayed match-to-position task and response to scopolamine.


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Studies rarely assess treatment effects across tasks; the present experiments addressed this issue. In Experiments 1 and 2, rats (n=12) were trained and then tested with variable delays on a spatial match-to-position task sequentially in the water and radial mazes (in counterbalanced order). Experiment 1 compared the effect of 0-, 60- and 1440-min delays on performance in both mazes. Rats required fewer (P<0.05) mean (+/-S.E.M.) sessions to reach criterion performance in the water (11.0+/-1.0) versus radial maze (19.3+/-2.2). In test sessions, performance was impaired delay-dependently when scores were averaged across the two tasks (P<0.05) but no significant effect of task or task x delay interaction was found. In the second experiment, the same rats were retrained and tested with 0-, 1-, 3- and 5-min delays in both mazes and testing followed the administration of scopolamine (0, 0.1, 0.4 and 0.8 mg/kg). The mean (+/-S.E.M.) number of acquisition sessions was similar in the radial (6.33+/-0.34) and water maze (6.08+/-0.46). On the sample portion of trials, performance was impaired at the 0.8 mg/kg dose of scopolamine (P<0.02) in the radial maze only. On the recognition portion of trials in the radial maze, the 0.4 and 0.8 mg/kg doses of scopolamine impaired performance whereas in the water maze task the 0.8 mg/kg dose impaired performance. The pattern of results may reflect different natural tendencies of rats to alternate (win-shift) versus not alternate (win-stay) in dry land versus swim tasks.
机译:研究很少评估跨任务的治疗效果。本实验解决了这个问题。在实验1和2中,对大鼠(n = 12)进行了训练,然后在水中和径向迷宫中(按平衡顺序)依次对它们进行了空间延迟到位置匹配任务的可变延迟测试。实验1比较了两种迷宫中0、60和1440分钟延迟对性能的影响。与放射状迷宫(19.3 +/- 2.2)相比,大鼠在水中达到标准性能所需的次数更少(P <0.05)(+/- S.E.M。)。在测试中,当将两个任务的得分取平均值时,性能会受到延迟依赖性的影响(P <0.05),但未发现任务或任务x延迟交互的显着影响。在第二个实验中,对同一只大鼠进行了再训练,并在迷宫中延迟了0、1、3、5分钟进行了测试,并在进行东pol碱(0、0.1、0.4和0.8 mg / kg)的测试后进行了测试。放射状(6.33 +/- 0.34)和水迷宫(6.08 +/- 0.46)的平均采集次数(+/- S.E.M。)相似。在试验的样品部分中,仅在放射状迷宫中以东mg碱0.8 mg / kg的剂量(P <0.02)损害了性能。在径向迷宫试验的识别部分,东pol碱的剂量为0.4和0.8 mg / kg会损害性能,而水迷宫试验中的剂量为0.8 mg / kg会损害性能。结果的模式可能反映了大鼠在旱地与游泳任务中交替(胜转)与非交替(胜留)的不同自然趋势。



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